Dr. Eliran Halali
Academic Positions
2023-present Head, Social-Organizational Psychology Program
Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University
2020-present Senior Lecturer (Tenured),
Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University
2018 (Autumn) Visiting Scholar,
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
2015-2020 Lecturer (Assistant Professor),
Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University
2014-2015 Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Supervisor: Nir Halevy
2013-2014 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Psychology
Supervisors: Yoella Bereby-Meyer and Tehila Kogut
Ph.D., Psychology, 2014 - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Advisor: Yoella Bereby-Meyer
Title: The role of cognitive-control in social preferences
M.A., Psychology, 2009 - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Advisors: Yoella Bereby-Meyer and David Leiser
Title: Anchoring effect in configuration problems
B.A., Psychology, 2007 (Magna Cum Laude) - The Open University of Israel
Research interests
I study judgment and decision-making processes, focusing on topics such as heuristics and biases, social preferences (altruism, fairness, trust, reciprocity, etc.), cooperation and competition between individuals and groups, and unethical behavior. Additionally, I have a specific interest in the interplay between dual processes such as intuition and reasoning, emotions and emotion regulation, and automaticity and cognitive control. Combining methods from behavioral economics, social and cognitive psychology, and (more recently) neuroscience, in an extensive portion of my work, I try to capture the effects of such dual processes, and their interplay, on the way we form our judgments and decisions.
2024-2029 The Israeli Science Foundation. Individual Research Grant.
Subject: Long-term Commitment Mechanisms in Intergenerational
Dilemmas (with Oren Perez).
Annual amount: 250,000 NIS; Total amount: 1,250,000 NIS
2021-2023 Bar-Ilan Data Science Institute. Individual Research Grant.
Subject: Artificial Intelligence for Explaining Decisions in Multi-Agent
Environments (with Sarit Kraus).
Total amount: 75,000 NIS
2018-2019 The Negotiation and Team Resources Institute. NTR-Peterson Grant.
Subject: Divide-and-Conquer:
Harmful Third Parties Undermine Cooperation in Groups.
Total amount: $10,000
2017-2021 The Israeli Science Foundation. Individual Research Grant.
Subject: Morality, Interests, and Intervention:
Disputants and Third-Parties in interpersonal and intergroup Conflict.
Annual amount: 186,000 NIS; Total amount: 744,000 NIS
2017-2020 The Israeli Science Foundation. Research equipment support.
Total amount (including institutional matching): 691,000 NIS
2015 Jerusalem Crime Group and the Israel Law Review. Research Grant.
Subject: Effective Law Enforcement Initiatives (with Yuval Feldman).
Total amount: $2,500
2012 ISEF - Israel Scholarship Education Foundation. Small Research Grant
for PhD students.
Total amount: 3,000 NIS
Last Updated Date : 27/08/2024