Senior Lecturer
Dr. Tamar Silberg
Senior Lecturer
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פרסומים נבחרים מ3 השנים האחרונות:
- Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., Silberg, T. (2020). Child and family factors associated with posttraumatic stress responses following a traumatic medical event: The role of medical team support. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 45(9), 1063-1073.
- Silberg, T., Ahonniska-Assa, J., Bord, A., Levav M., Polack, O., Tzadok, M., Heimer, G., Bar-Yosef, O., Geva, R., & Ben-Zeev, B. (2020). In the eye of the beholder: using a multiple-informant approach to examine the mediating effect of cognitive functioning on emotional and behavioral problems in children with an active epilepsy. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy, 82, 31-38.
- Krasovsky, T.,† Silberg, T† ., Barak, S., Eisenstein, E., Erez, N., Feldman, I., Guttman, D., Liber, P., Patael, S.Z., Sarna, H., et al. (2021). Transition to Multidisciplinary Pediatric Telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategy Development and Implementation. International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health, 18, 1484.
- Husein, S., Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., Silberg, T. (2021). Using a biopsychosocial approach to examine differences in post-traumatic stress symptoms among Arab and Jewish Israeli mothers of children following traumatic medical events. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 1-12
- Melamed-Snir, M., Silberg, T., Bar, O., Brezner, A., Landa, J. & Gliboa, Y. (2022). Online awareness among adolescents with acquired brain injury during performance of motor, cognitive and functional tasks. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 42(4):451-464.
- Sadeh, Y., Dekel, R., Brezner, A., Landa, J., Silberg, T. (2022). Psychosocial Risk Classes Among Families Following a Child’s Traumatic Medical Event in the Context of Pediatric Rehabilitation. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 13;2
- Krasovsky, T., Barak, S., Dishon-Berkovits, M., Sadeh, Y., Landa, J., Brezner, A., Silberg, T. (2022). Predictors of Health Resources Utilization among Families Following Discharge from Pediatric Rehabilitation: A One-Year Follow Up Study. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. Apr 19, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/01942638.2022.2061887.
- Barak. S., Silberg, T., Gerner, M., Einsenstein, E., Arzoni B.C., Yissar, T. & Landa, J. (2022). Functional Neurological Symptoms Disorder: Factors associated with walking ability post integrative pediatric rehabilitation. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. Epub ahead of print. Doi:10.3233/PRM-210107.
- Barak S, Elad D, Gutman D, Silberg T. (2022). Raising a child with a physical disability: Using a biopsychosocial approach to examine the impact of a child’s disability on the family. Child: Health, Care and Developmen
- Silberg T, Kapil N, Caven I, Levac D, Fehlings D. (2023). Cognitive behavioral therapies for individuals with cerebral palsy: A scoping review. Dev Med Child Neurol. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15507.
- Segev, S., Silberg, T., Bar, O., Erez, N., Ahonniska-Assa, J., Brezner, A. & Landa, J. (2023). Prolonged durations of post-traumatic amnesia:A sensitive classification for predicting cognitive outcomes in children recovering from traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society
Research interests
Research Interests
מנחה מ.א ודוקטורט
אספקטים פסיכולוגיים בתהליכי שיקום בילדים מפרספקטיבה רב-מערכתית (ילד-הורה-צוות)
התמודדות משפחתית עם מצבי משבר ומצוקה
התמודדות עם טראומה רפואית בילדים
היבטים נוירופסיכולוגיים של טראומה מולדת ונרכשת בילדים
- 2021-2025 Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
- 2019-2020 American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine - Research Grant
- 2018-2020 - The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research
- 2018-2020- National Insurance Institute of Israel
Last Updated Date : 19/01/2025