Prof. Michal Lavidor
BA |
The Hebrew Univesuty |
Psychology and Computer Science |
1988 |
MA |
Bar-Ilan |
Psychology |
1994 |
PhD |
Bar-Ilan |
Psychology |
1999 |
Master Thesis: Length effects in the two cerebral hemispheres
Advisor: Prof. Harvey Babkoff
PhD Thesis: Hemispheric processing of Language.
Advisor: Prof. Harvey Babkoff
Academic Positions
Teaching positions at Bar-Ilan
October 2005 |
Associate Professor |
June 1999 |
Doctoral Advisor |
1995 |
TA |
2005 |
Reader (Associate-Professor), 100% FT, Department of Psychology, University of Hull |
2004-2003 |
Senior Lecturer, 100% FT, Department of Psychology, University of Hull |
2002-2003 |
Lecturer, 100% FT, Department of Psychology, University of Hull |
2002-2005 |
Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, University College London |
2000-2001 |
Marie-Curie research fellow, Psychology, University of York |
2000 |
Tutor to Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology, York |
1994-1999 |
Statistical and research consultant, Administrative Office of Regional Colleges and Pre-Academic Training Programs, Bar-Ilan University |
1993-1994 |
Research assistant (sleep project), Psychology Department, Bar-Ilan University |
1993-1999 |
Quantitative research methods, Introduction to Statistics, Perception, Instructor at the Psychology department, Bar Ilan University. |
1994-1997 |
Introduction to Computer Science, Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Lecturer at Ariel College. |
1995-1998 |
Data analyst and Data manager in a research and consulting company (Ergonomic Applications - ErgoPlic Ltd, Israel). |
Professional Postions
Organizer of an international TMS conference in Bar Ilan, June 2007.
Organizer of a workshop in Lyon (CNRS): Two hemispheres, one reading system (24-28 April, 2003). Funded by the British academy and the local host (the CNRS in Lyon). Papers presented at the workshop were later on published in a special issue of Brain and Language that I edited (Brain and Language, 88(3), March 2004).
1997-1999 |
Conducting and reporting polygraph research requested by a government bureau. |
1999 |
A developer of a national Psychological test (research methods field) |
Research interests
מנחה מ.א. ודוקטורט
- Language and decision-making
- The differences between the two hemispheres.
- New invasive brain stimulation
- Reading and reading problems.
- Cognitive empowerment
- Spatial processing in both hemispheres
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation – TMS
- Perceptual Priming
- Temporal and numeral perception
Research Achievement
Congratulations for winning a grant from the German Israeli Foundation
Last Updated Date : 25/05/2022