Associate Professor

Prof. David Anaki

Associate Professor
Brain Research Building / Room 202
Reception Hours
Monday 10:00-11:00

    Date of birth: 17.5.66
    Place of birth: Israel
    Address: 19 Queen Heleni, Jerusalem 95101
    Telephone: 02-6233178 (050-2141507)
    Languages: Hebrew, English and French
    Marital status: Married 4

    Educational background

    2008- Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    2005-2007 Postdoctoral fellow, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    2003-2005 Postdoctoral fellow, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.

    1998-2004 PhD candidate, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er-Sheva
    Thesis topic: Attentional involvement in word recognition processes.

    1995-1998 Master of Arts degree studies in Experimental Psychology at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan (Cum Laude).
    Thesis topic: Cerebral hemispheric asymmetries in processing lexical metaphors (Summa Cum Laude).

    1996-present co-Editor Akdamot - A Journal of Jewish Thought

    1992-1995 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Jewish Philosophy at Bar Ilan University (Cum Laude).
    Studies at "Beit Morasha" , Center for Advanced Jewish Studies(Jerusalem).

    1993-1994 Faculty of Law, the Hebrew University (Jerusalem).

    1984-1990 Advanced rabbinical studies in various Yeshivot (“Knesset-Israel-Hebron”, Jerusalem, “Merkaz-Ha’Rav”, Jerusalem).




    • Anaki, D., Nica I., & Moscovitch, M. (in press). Automatic aspects in face
      perception: Evidence from mandatory processing of distractor facial
      characteristics. Experimental Psychology
    • Anaki, D. & Bentin S. (2009). Familiarity effects on categorization levels of
      faces and objects. Cognition, 111, 144-149.
    • Davidson, P. S. R., Anaki, D., Ciaramelli, E., Cohn, M., Kim, A., & Moscovitch, M.
       (2008). Does parietal cortex support episodic
      memory? A review of patient data. Neuropsychologia, 46, 1743-1755.
    • Zion-Golumbic, E., Golan, T., Anaki, D. & Bentin S. (2008).
      Sensitivity for human faces in high-frequency EEG Gamma-Band. NeuroImage, 39,
    • Anaki, D., Zion-Golumbic, E. & Bentin, S. (2007). Electrophysiological
      neural mechanisms for detection, configural analysis and recognition
      of faces. NeuroImage, 37, 1407-1416.
    • Anaki, D. & Moscovitch, M. (2007). When a face is (or is not)
      more than the sum of its its features: Configural and analytic processes
      in temporal facial integration. Visual Cognition, 15, 741-763.
    • * Kaufman, Y., Anaki, D., Binns, M., & Freedman, M. (2007). Rate of cognitive
      decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: The impact of quality of
      life, spirituality and religiosity. Neurology, 68, 1509-1514.
    • Anaki, D., Kaufman, Y., Freedman, M. & Moscovitch, M. (2007). Associative
       prosopagnosia without (apparent) perceptual processing or structural
      encoding impairment: A case study. Neuropsychologia, 45, 1658-1671.
    • Anaki, D., Boyd, J., & Moscovitch M. (2007). Temporal integration in face
      perception: Evidence of configural processing of temporally separated
      faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
      Performance,33, 1-19.
    • Davidson, P. S. R., Anaki, D. Saint-Cyr, J. A., Chow T., & Moscovitch, M.
      (2006). Recognition memory impairment in early Parkinson’s disease:
      Evidence from the word frequency mirror effect, subjective experience,
      and the process dissociation procedure. Brain, ¬129, 1768-1779.
    • Anaki, D., Faran, Y., Henik, A. & Ben-Shalom, D. (2005). The false
      memory and the mirror effects: The roles of familiarity and backward
      association in creating false recollections. Journal of Memory and
      Language, 52, 87-102
    • Henik, A., Rubinsten, O., Anaki, D. (2005). Ben-Gurion University Hebrew
      Association Norms. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University Press (Hebrew).
    • Anaki, D., & Henik, A. (2003). Is there a “strength effect” in automatic semantic priming?
      Memory & Cognition, 31, 262-272.
    • Anaki, D., Faust, M., & Kravetz, S. (1998). Cerebral hemispheric asymmetries
      in processing lexical metaphors. Neuropsychologia, 36, 691-700.

    * Equal contribution

     Submitted or in preparation

    • Anaki, D., & Bentin, S. (submitted). Time-course of featural and
      configural processing of faces and houses: Electrophysiological
    • Anaki, D., & Henik, A. (under revision). Modulation of semantic priming
      by exogenous and endogenous spatial orienting: Involvement of attentional
      networks in word recognition.
    • Lee, Y., Anaki, D., Grady, C., & Moscovitch, M. (in preparation). Neural
      correlates of temporal integration in face recognition: an fMRI study.
    • Anaki, D., & Bentin, S. (in preparation). Familiariazing with the N400: Is it
    • Anaki, D., & Wertman, E. (in preparation). Mild cognitive impairment: A
      taxometric analysis.
    • Anaki, D., Rosenbaum, S., Stuss, D., & Moscovitch, M. (in preparation).
      Apperceptive and associative prosopagnosia: A neuropsychological

    * Equal contribution



    • Anaki, D. (2009). Time-course of featural and configural processing of faces
      and houses: Electrophysiological evidence. Paper presented at the
      Gonda multidisciplinary brain rsearch center seminar, Bar-Ilan University, May 11, 2009.


    • Anaki, D. & Bentin, S. (2007). Featural and configural processing during face-
      and house-matching: Evidence from N170 modulations. Paper
      presented at the N170 Workshop: Current and Future Directions.
      Ma'ale Ha'Hamisha, November 4, 2007.


    • Zion-Golumbic, E., Anaki D., & Bentin, S. (2007). Gamma-band oscillations
      and their role in face perception. Paper presented at the N170 workshop: Current and Future Directions. Ma'ale Ha'Hamisha, November 4, 2007.


    • Anaki, D. (2007). Temporal integration in faces: Behavioural and
      electrophysiological findings. Paper presented at the Cognitive Forum Seminar, Hebrw University, Jerusalem, March 18.


    • Anaki, D. (2007). Dissociated neural mechanisms for detection, configural
      analysis and identification of faces; Evidence from ERP and induced
      gamma band oscillations. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation annual retreat, Ein-Gedi, January 28.


    • Anaki, D. (2006). When a face is (or is not) more than the sum of its features:
      Holistic and analytic processes in facial temporal integration. Paper
      presented at Bar-Ilan University Department of Psychology Staff Seminar, Ramat-Gan, December 3.


    • Anaki, D. (2006). Holistic and part-based processing in face-perception:
      Insights from prosopagnosia. Paper presented at the Israeli
      Neuropsychological Society, Jerusalem, February 27.


    • Anaki, D. & Moscovitch, M. (2005). Temporal integration in face perception:
      Evidence of configural processing of temporally separated face parts. Paper presented at the Ebbinghaus Empire Meeting, University of Toronto, January 26.


    • Anaki, D., Davidson, P., & Moscovitch, M. (2005). Recognition memory in
      normal aging and Parkinson's disease: Differential impairments for low
      versus high frequency words. Paper presented at the 33rd annual
      meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, St. Louis, Missouri, February 2-5.


    • Anaki, D. & Moscovitch, M. (2005). Associative visual prosopagnosia without
      (apparent) perceptual deficits: A single-case study. Poster presented at
      the 12th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April
      10-12, New York, NY.
      Moscovitch, M., Anaki, D. & Rivest, J. (2003). Holistic, part-based and
      semantic processes in face recognition: Dissociations and interactions.
      Paper presented at the the About Faces Workshop, Princeton University,
      September 19-21.


    • Anaki, D., & Moscovitch, M. (2003). Spatial attention and face encoding:
      Modulation of the inversion effect by exogenous spatial cue. Poster
      presented at the the About Faces Workshop, Princeton University, September 19-21.


    • Anaki, D., Gover, Y., & Henik, A. (2003). Conflict resolution and spatial
      attention: Dissociation between endogenous and exogenous orienting. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 30 - April 1, New York, NY.
      Faran, Y., Anaki D., Hoffman Y., Klipper, K., Henik, H., & Ben-Shalom, D.
      (2003). Impaired mirror effect in recognition after damage limited to the hippocampus. Poster presented at 10th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 30 - April 1, New York, NY.


    • Anaki, D. & Henik, A. (2003). Modulation of semantic priming by exogenous
      and endogenous spatial orienting: Involvement of attentional networks in word recognition. Paper presented at the Ebbinghaus Empire Meeting, University of Toronto, February 5.


    • Anaki, D., Faran, Y., (2001). The false memory and the mirror effect: The role
      of familiarity and backward association on false memory. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society.


    • Anaki, D., & Henik, A. (2001). Visual word recognition and spatial attention:
      Independent or interactive systems? Poster presented at the 12th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology,
      Edinburgh, Scotland.


    • Faran, Y., Anaki, D., Henik, A., & Ben-Shalom, D. (2001). Effects of
      familiarity and backward association on false memory. Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Edinburgh, Scotland.


    • Anaki, D., & Henik, A. (1999). Effect of cognitive load and its timing on
      semantic priming. Poster presented at the 11th Conference of the Eur opean Society for Cognitive Psychology, Ghent, Belgium.


    • Anaki, D., & Henik, A. (1998). The effect of prime letter search on semantic
      and associative priming. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel.


    Research Interests

    Processing faces and other objects

    Facial expressions processing and emotions perception

    Processes occurring during visual stimulus perception (Temporal integration)

    High visual processes defects in patients with brain injuries

    Memory processes in patients with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease

    Research methods: Psychophysical, Neuropsychological, and electrophysiology



    Last Updated Date : 19/01/2025