Prof. Danny Horesh
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Danny Horesh
2012-present: Post-doctoral research fellow, New York University, Department of Psychiatry, PTSD Research Program (under the guidance of Prof. Charles Marmar, chair of psychiatry at NYU).
2004-2010: Direct route to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University. Title of doctoral dissertation: "Delayed-onset PTSD following combat: clinical characteristics and the role of psychological resources". Supervised by Profs. Zahava Solomon and Giora Keinan.
2003-2004: M.A. in clinical psychology (magna cum laude), Tel Aviv University.
1999-2002: B.A. in psychology (summa cum laude) and communication (magna cum laude), Tel Aviv University.
Academic awards:
2012: Recipient of the Rothschild Fellowship for post-doctoral research.
2012: Excellence in teaching award, School of Behavioral Sciences, Peres Academic Center.
2008: Recipient of an excellence scholarship for PhD students, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University.
2007: Commended reviewer for the British Journal of Psychiatry
2007: Recipient of an excellence scholarship for PhD students, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University.
2006: Recipient of an excellence scholarship for PhD students, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University.
2003: Recipient of an M.A. excellence scholarship, Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University.
2002: Rector's list on behalf of the Department of Communication, Tel Aviv University.
2002: Dean's list, Department of Communication, Tel Aviv University.
2002: Recipient of the Komarov Scholarship for excellence in the field of communication studies.
2001: Recipient of the Komarov Scholarship for excellence in the field of communication studies.
2000: Dean's list, Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University.
Academic experience:
Approved April 2012 (position not filled due to post-doctoral research abroad): Promotion to senior lecturer, School of Behavioral Sciences, Peres Academic Center, Rehovot, Israel
2009-2012: Adjunct instructor, School of Behavioral Sciences, Peres Academic Center, Rehovot, Israel. Courses taught: Coping with trauma and crisis, abnormal psychology, personality theories, developmental psychology.
2003-2012: Research fellow at the trauma lab headed by Prof. Zahava Solomon (formerly "the Adler Center for Child Welfare and Protection"), Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University.
Clinical experience:
2012-Present: Program Evaluator, Military Family Clinic, NYU Langone Medical Center.
2009-Present: Psychologist in military reserve service, Behavioral Sciences Department, IDF. Psychodiagnostic evaluation of senior officers nominated for the rank of lieutenant colonel.
2008-Present: Licensed clinical psychologist, private practice, Tel Aviv, Israel. Psychotherapy for adults, adolescents and couples.
2009-2010: Clinical psychology internship, psychiatric day care unit, "Sourasky" Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. Psychotherapy for patients with a variety of mental disorders, including PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and severe personality disorders.
2006-2009: Clinical psychology internship, "Triest-Sarig" Institute for Psychotherapy, Tel Aviv, Israel. Psychotherapy for adults, children, adolescents and couples; Psychodiagnostic evaluations.
2004-2006: Clinical psychology practicum, "Triest-Sarig" Institute for Psychotherapy, Tel Aviv, Israel.
2003-2004: Clinical psychology practicum, Community Center for Mental Health, Petah-Tikva, Israel.
2001-2002: Social guide at "Enosh", social and occupational center for the mentally ill (Givataim branch).
Ad-hoc reviewer for the following journals:
British Journal of Psychiatry
BMC Psychiatry
International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
Israel Journal of Psychiatry
Psychiatry Research
Stress, Anxiety and Coping
Participation in research grants:
I-CORE - the Israeli Centers for Research Excellence; Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps Research Grant; Israel Ministry of Health – Chief Scientist Research Grant. Mass Trauma Research Center.
International scientific conferences:
Horesh, D., & Solomon, Z. (2007, June). Delayed-onset PTSD among Israeli veterans from the 1982 Lebanon War - clinical characteristics. Symposium paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Traumatic Stress (ECOTS). Opatija, Croatia.
Horesh, D., Solomon, Z., & Ein-Dor, T. (2013, May, upcoming conference). Delayed-onset PTSD among war veterans: the role of social resources. Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture Annual Meeting: Shame and Silence: Addressing the Stigma of Mental Illness. Toronto, Canada.
Dickstein, B.D., Krantz, L., Schorr, Y., Solomon, Z., Horesh, D., & Litz, B.T. (2010, May). Coping with the threat of terrorism: Examining the impact of coping strategies on PTSD symptom severity. The 22nd annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). Boston, MA, U.S.A.
Horesh, D., Dekel, S., & Solomon, Z. (2012, April). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and depression symptoms: Joint or independent sequelae of trauma?. International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD) 6th Biennial Conference: "Affective Disorders - Mind, Body and Society". London, UK.
Horesh, D., Solomon, Z., & Ein-Dor, T. (2013, March, upcoming conference). Delayed-onset PTSD among war veterans: the role of social resources. The American Psychopathological Association (APPA) Annual Conference: Long-term Outcomes in Psychopathology Research: Rethinking the Scientific Agenda. New York, USA.
List of publications
Published papers:
1. Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (2007). Changes in diagnostic criteria for PTSD: Implications in two prospective longitudinal studies. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(2), 182-188.
2. Solomon, Z., Zur-Noah, S., Horesh, D., Zerach, G., & Keinan, G. (2008). The contribution of stressful life events throughout the life cycle to combat-induced psychopathology. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21(3), 318-325.
3. Solomon, Z., Dekel, R., Zerach, G., & Horesh, D. (2009). Differentiation of the self and posttraumatic symptomatology among ex-POWs and their wives. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 35, 60-73.
4. Solomon, Z., Horesh, D., & Ein-Dor, T. (2009). The longitudinal course of PTSD symptom clusters among war veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(6):837-43.
5. Horesh, D., Solomon. Z., Zerach, G., & Ein-Dor, T. (2011). Delayed-onset PTSD among war veterans: The role of life events throughout the life cycle. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(9): 863-867.
6. Solomon, Z., Debby-Aharon, S., Zerach, G., & Horesh, D. (2011). Marital adjustment, parental functioning and emotional sharing in war veterans. Journal of Family Issues,32(1), 127-147.
7. Stein, N.R., Schorr, Y., Litz, B.T., King, L.A., King, D.W., Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (2011; Published online before print). Development and Validation of the Coping with Terror Scale. Assessment.
8. Solomon, Z., Horesh, D., Ein-Dor, T., & Ohri, A. (2012). Predictors of PTSD trajectories following captivity: A 35-year longitudinal study. Psychiatry Research, 99(3), 188-94.
9. Zerach, G., Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (2012). Family environment and posttraumatic intrusion and avoidance among war veterans: A 20-year longitudinal study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (Epub ahead of print).
10. Horesh, D., Solomon. Z., & Keinan, G. (2013; Epub ahead of print). The clinical picture of delayed-onset PTSD: A 20-year longitudinal study of Israeli war veterans. Psychiatry Research.
Papers accepted for publication:
11. Horesh, D., Solomon. Z., & Ein-Dor, T. (In press). Delayed-onset PTSD following combat: The role of social resources. Journal of Community Psychology.
12. Bensimon, M., Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (In press). The utility of Criterion A when terror attacks are ongoing. Israel Journal of Psychiatry.
13. Stein, N.R., Schorr, Y., Litz, B.T., Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (In press). The differential impact of terrorism on two highly exposed Israeli communities. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
Published book chapters:
Horesh, D. (2012). Vulnerability post-trauma; In C.R. Figley (Ed), Encyclopedia of Trauma: An Interdisciplinary Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Invited book chapters:
Horesh, D. (Under editors' review). Delayed-onset PTSD: correlates, clinical picture, and controversy. In H.S. Wallach, M.P. Safir, & A. Rizzo (Eds), Future Directions in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Submitted papers under review:
1. Solomon, Z., Cohen-Zrihen, A., Horesh, D., & Ein-Dor, T. (request for minor revision). Stressful life events across the life span and insecure attachment following combat trauma. Journal of Clinical Social Work.
2. Solomon, Z., Bensimon, M., Horesh, D., & Ein-Dor, T. (Under review). Loneliness, social support and post-traumatic symptoms: A longitudinal study of combat veterans. Journal of Loss & Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress & Coping.
3. Dekel, S., Solomon, Z., & Horesh, D. (Under review). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and depression symptoms: Joint or independent sequelae of trauma?. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Manuscripts in preparation:
1. Horesh, D., Qian, M., & Marmar, C. A prospective examination of physical health problems among police officers.
2. Horesh, D., Koenen, K., & Ryan Lowe, S. The long-term co-morbidity between PTSD and major depression: findings from the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study (DNHS).
3. Horesh, D., Solomon, Z., & Brown, A. PTSD and suicidal ideation among war veterans: the role of foreshortened sense of future and premature aging.
4. Shalev, A., & Horesh, D. Prolonged exposure vs. cognitive therapy for PTSD: differential effects on individual PTSD clusters.
5. Galatzer-Levy, I., Joscelyne, A., & Horesh, D. Coping flexibility as a predictor of resilience to stress: a longitudinal study of American police officers.
Mass media references:
Even, D. Lalexet shevi axarav (ללכת שבי אחריו). Haaretz, October 30, 2011.
Editorial positions:
2012: Host editor, Frontiers Research Topic (E-journal volume, in preparation).
Research interests
1. המהלך ארוך-הטווח של הפרעת דחק פוסט-טראומטית (PTSD) ושל הפרעות פסיכיאטריות קו-מורבידיות.
2. גורמי פגיעות וחוסן אל מול דחק טראומטי.
3. מחקרי פסיכותרפיה ב-PTSD.
4. טראומה והמשפחה.
5. מחקרי הערכה בזמן אמת (Ecological Momentary Assessment) של פסיכופתולוגיה.
Last Updated Date : 19/01/2025