Associate Professor

Prof. Tuvia Peri

Associate Professor
Room 325
Reception Hours
By Appointment



    CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Tuvia Peri



    Address: Maale Oren 4, P.O.B. 1180, Efrat, Israel 90435.


    Tel: Home: 972-2- 9931015           Cell: 972-52-2606441








    I.D : 027061423



    Place of Birth: Visheu, Romania



    Date of Birth: 20.10.1956



    Marital Status: M+4











    Hesder + Rabinical Studies

    Yeshivat Har-Etzion, Alon Shevut



    B.A. - Psychology and Jewish philosophy

    The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.




    M.A. -  Clinical Psychology

    The Hebrew University, Jerusalem



    Ph.D. - Psychology

    The Hebrew University, Jerusalem


    THESIS: A Psychophysioligical Test of Conditionability in PTSD.


    SUPERVISOR: Prof. Gershon Ben-Shakhar; Prof. Arie Shalev









    (Work Percentage)


    Teaching and research assistant at the psychology department of the Hebrew University.



    Lecturer in Psychology at the Yaacov Herzog College



    Clinical and research psychologist, Center for Traumatic Stress, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem.



    Research Fellow, The Walter Schindler Center for Medical Psychotherapy, The Hebrew University- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem.



    Head of Education Studies, Yaacov Hertzog College.



    Senior Lecturer,  Yaacov Hertzog College


    2007- 2009

    Head of Special Education Studies, Yaacov Hertzog College.



    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University








    Internship in Clinical Psychology in the Psychiatric Clinic of the Hadassah Medical Center.


    Internship in the Psychiatric Department of the Hadassah Medical Center.


    Clinical psychologist in private practice, Jerusalem


    Clinical psychologist and supervisor at the Clinical Psychology Residency Program, Psychiatric Clinic and Center for Traumatic Stress, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem.

    2005- 2009

    Chief Psychologist, Psychiatric inpatient department, Hadassah
    Medical Center, Jerusalem.


    The Bar Ilan Community Clinic - Director





    Licensed as a Clinical Psychologist.


    "Hidavrut" A three year training program in psychoanalytic oriented psychotherapy, Israel Psychoanalytic Society.


    Licensed supervisor in psychotherapy and psycho-diagnosis.


    PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONS: (Memberships/Editorial Activities)



    Reviewer for Sihot-Dialogues , the Israel journal of Psychotherapy.

    2005- present

    Board of directors - Member, Ohr-Torah Stone Institutions, Efrat, Israel.


    Reviewer for Hevra uRevacha, An Israeli Social Science Journal


    Reviewer for Megamot, Behavioral Sciences Journal






    Schindler Fellowship for Clinical psychology internship, Hadassah University Hospital.


    The Wolf Foundation Award for Excellent PhD Students.





    The Keren Kayemet Award for Young Researchers, Israel.

    ISF – RCT for the evaluation of Narrative Reconstruction Efficacy – submitted

    Ministry of Health- Chief Scientist Fund – The influence of working with eating disorders on body image and eating habits - submitted





    Abnormal Psychology

    Introduction to psychology

    Developmental psychology

    Research Methods


    From Object Relations to Interpersonal Relationships

    Qualitative Research

    Clinical Practicum


    1. Psychophysiology research of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
    1. Traumatic Memories and Therapy of PTSD patients.
    1. The Bible and Psychoanalysis.


    Phd Students:




    Mordechai Gofman

    A RCT of the efficacy of Narrative Reconstruction for PTSD patients

    Zohar Vidan

    Evaluation of the changes in traumatic narratives following the treatment of PTSD patients with Narrative Reconstruction

    Maya Shinan

    The effect of the work with eating disorders patients in psychiatric wards on body image and eating habits of the workers

    Noa Herz

    MEG evaluation of brain functioning of PTSD patients at rest, an oddball test and during trauma imagery

    Sharon Garber

    Narrative Reconstruction intervention for Complicated Grief patients

    Elad Livne

    Therapist interventions in psychodynamic psychotherapy

    M.A. Students:




    Gal Bleigh

    A psychoanalytic perspective on the Midrsh on Joseph dreams in Genesis

    Dvori David

    Selflessness as a predictor of eating disorder's hospitalization outcome

    Michal Cohen-Motil

    Evluation of treatment outcome of Psychodynamic psychotherapy conducted by students at a university training clinic

    Eyal Reish

    Spirituality and Asceticism in the responses of Anorexia Nervosa patient's Rorsach protocols

    Yinon Leib

    Personal therapy and its effect on treatment outcome of psychodynamic therapy in a training clinic










    1.Shalev, A.Y., Adessky, R., Boker, R., Bargai, N., Cooper, R., Freedman, S., Hadar, H., Peri, T., Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2003). Clinical Iterventions for Survivors of Prolonged Adversities. In: Ursano, R.J., Fullerton, C.S., Norwood, A.E., Terrorism and Disaster (pp. 162-188). Cambridge University Press.
    1. Peri T., (2009), A Freudian and a Kleinian Reading of the Midrash on the Garden of Eden Narrative, in: Aron L., Henik L., Eds. Answering a Question with a Question, Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish Thought. Academic Press, (pp. 155-185).
    1. Stein, D., Peri, T., Pollack, D., Floman, Y. & Edelstein E.L. (1987). Factors that influence the psychological state of patients with acute low back pain. Orthopedic Transaction, 1987.
    2. Shalev, A.Y., Orr, S.P., Peri, T., Schreiber, S., Pitman, R.K. (1992). Physiologic responses to loud tones in Israeli patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 49(11), 870-5.
    3. Bachar, E., Peri, T., Halamish, R., Shalev, A.Y. (1993). Auditory startle response in blind subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76(3 Pt 2), 1251-6.
    4. Stein, D., Peri, T., Edelstein, E., Elizur, A., Floman, Y. (1996). The efficacy of amitriptyline and acetaminophen in the management of acute low back pain. Psychosomatics, 37(1), 63-70.
    5. Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Canetti, L., Schreiber, S. (1996). Predictors of  PTSD in injured trauma survivors: a prospective study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 153(2), 219-25.
    6. Gelpin, Y., Bonne, O., Peri, T., Brandes, D., Shalev, A. Y. (1996). Treatment of recent trauma survivors with benzodiazepines: A prospective study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 57, 390-394.
    7. Gidron, Y., Peri, T., Connolly, J.F., Shalev, A.Y. (1996). Written disclosure in posttraumatic stress disorder: is it beneficial for the patient? Journal of  Nervous and Mental Disease, 184(8), 505-7.
    8. Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Bonne, O.B., (1996). Auditory startle response during exposure to war stress. Comprative Psychiatry, 37(2), 134-8.
    9. Shalev, A.Y., Freedman, S., Peri, T., Brandes, D., Sahar, T. (1997). Predicting PTSD in Civilian Trauma Survivors: Prospective Evaluation of Self report and Clinician Administered Instruments. British Journal of Psychiatry, 170, 558-564.

    10.Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Gelpin, E., Orr, S.P., Pitman, R.K. (1997). Psychophysiologic Assessment of Mental Imagery of Stressful Events in Israeli Civilian PTSD Patients. Comprehensive psychiatry, 38(5), 269-273.

    1. Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Orr, S.P., Bonne, O., Pitman, R.P. (1997). Auditory Startle Responses in Help Seeking Trauma Survivors. Psychiatry Research, 69, 1-7.
    2. Orr, S.P., Solomon, Z., Peri, T., Pitman, R.K., Shalev, A.Y. (1997). Physiologic Responses to Loud Tones in Israeli Veterans of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Biological Psychiatry, 41(3), 319-326.
    3. Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Rogel-Fuchs, Y., Ursano, R.J., Marlowe, D. (1998).  Historical group debriefing after combat exposure. Mil Med, 163(7), 494-8.
    4. Shalev,  A.Y. Bloch, M., Peri, T., Bonne, O. (1998). Alprazolam Reduces Responses to Loud Tones in Panic Disorder but not in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 44, 64-68.
    5. Shalev, A.Y., Sahar, T., Friedman, S., Peri, T., Glick, N., Brandes, D., Orr, S.P. & Pitman, R.K. (1998). A Prospective Study of Heart Rate Response Foliowing Trauma and the Subsequent Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55, 553-559.
    6. Shalev, A.Y., Friedman, S., Peri, T., Brandes, D., Sahar, T., Orr, S.P. & Pitman, R.K. (1998). Prospective Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression Following Trauma. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 155, 630-637.
    7. Freedman, S.A., Brandes, D., Peri, T., Shalev, A.Y. (1999). Predictors of chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, A prospective study. British Journal of  Psychiatry, 174, 353-9.
    8. Peri, T., Ben-Shakhar, G., Orr, S.P., Shalev, A.Y., (2000). Psychophysiologic assessment of aversive conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder. Biol Psychiatry, 47(6), 512-9.
    9. Orr, S.P., Metzger, J.L., Macklin, M.L., Lasko, N.B., Peri, T., Pitman, R.K. (2000). De novo conditioning in trauma-exposed individuals with and without posttraumatic stress disorder. J Abnorm Psychol, 109(2), 290-8.
    10. Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Brandes, D., Freedman, S., Orr, S.P. & Pitman R.K., (2000). Auditory startle response in trauma survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder: a prospective study. Am J Psychiatry, 157(2), 255-61.
    11. Freedman, S.A., Gluck, N, Tuval-Mashiach, R., Brandes, D., Peri,,T., Shalev, AY., (2002). Gender differences in responses to traumatic events: a prospective study. Journal of Trauma Stress. 15(5): 407-13.
    12. Shalev A.Y., Adessky R., Boker R., Bannet Y., Bargai N., Hadar H., Peri T., Freedman S., Kooper R., Tuval-Mashiah R., (2002) Clinical Interventions During Repeated Stressfull Events, Sihot – Dialogue Israel Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 17(1), pp. 5-19, (Heb.)
    13. Peri T., (2004). It was like in the cartoons – From memory to traumatic memory and back Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Special issue- Dialogues on terror. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, 21(1), 63-79.
    14. Peri, T., Louzoun, Y., Freedman, N., Chisin, R., Shalev, A.Y., Bonne O., Temporal Dynamics of Brain Activation during Repeated Mental Imagery in PTSD, Under revision.
    15. Peri, T., (2012) Between Ultimate Sacrifice and Yearning for Death: Midrash and Psychoanalysis on the Binding of Isaac Narrative, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 48:1 p. 4-28.
    16. Peri T., (2012) Applied Psychoanalysis in Biblical Interpretation, Int. J. Appl. Psychoanal. Studies. In Press, Published online in Wiley Online Library. DOI: 10.1002/aps.1321
    17. Isserles M., Arieh Y Shalev A.Y., Roth Y., Peri T., Kutz I., Zlotnick E., Zangen A., (2012) Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Brief Exposure Procedure as a Novel Treatment Approach for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Brain Stimulation, in press. Available on line at:
    18. Peri T., (2012) Freud’s Joseph: Psychoanalysis and Midrash on Joseph’s Dreams. Submitted for publication.
    19. Peri T., and Gofman M., (2013) Narrative Reconstruction – An Integrative Intervention Module for Intrusive Symptoms in PTSD Patients. In press: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0031965

    Hebrew publications

    1. Peri T., (2002) Narrative Reconstruction Through Historical Debriefing of Traumatic Events, Sihot – Dialogue, Israel Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 17(1), pp. 20-26, (Heb.)
    2. Peri T., (2007), Marital Relationships in the Book of Genesis, Megadim – Journal of Biblical Studies, Vol. 46, Tvunot (Heb.), Pp. 43-61.
    3. Peri T., (2008), Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and CBT – A possible Integration? Sihot – Dialogue, Israel Journal of Psychotherapy (Heb.), Vol 22(2), pp. 135-142.
    4. Peri T., Gofman M., Elinger G., "Theoretical Integration" in the treatment of a PTSD patient. Submitted for publication (Heb.)




    1. Peri T., Gofman M., (2012), Pilot Study Results of the Efficacy of Narrative Reconstruction (NR) for the Treatment of Intrusive Memories in PTSD Patients. ISTSS 28th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
    2. Peri T., Gofman, M. (2012), ‘Narrative Reconstruction’ - An integrative intervention for intrusive symptoms in post traumatic patients. The 1st Israeli Conference of Psychotherapy, June 2012, Haifa Israel
    3. Peri T., Gofman M., (2011), Trauma Narratives: Functions, Memory Processes, and Reconstruction in Therapy and Video Testimonies. ISTSS 27th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
    4. Peri T., Hacohen E., (2007), The Impacts of The Disengagement from Gaza on the World-views of National Religious Youth, The Fifth International Conference on Teacher Education, Tel Aviv- Beer Sheva.
    5. Peri T., Hachohen E., (2007), Secularization Processes in National Religious Yeshiva Alumni, Teacher Education at a Crossroads, The Fifth International Conference on Teacher Education, Tel Aviv- Beer Sheva.
    6. Peri, T., (2004), Narrative reconstruction through historical group debriefing. International Society For Traumatic Stress Studies, Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 2004.
    7. Peri T., Hachohen E., (1999) A model for a Support Group for Novice Teachers Moderated by a Psychologist and an Experienced Teacher, Almost 2000: Crisis and Challenges in Teacher Education, the Third International Conference on Teacher education, June 27-July1, Israel.
    8. Levin, N, Peri, T., & Shalev, A.Y., Sexual dysfunction in Male and Female patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, American Psychiatric Association, 151TH Annual Meeting, Washington DC, May 21-25, 1999.
    9. Shalev AY, Peri T, Freedman S, Brandes D, Sahar T, Pitman RK, Orr SP Predicting PTSD in recent trauma survivors. American Psychiatric Association, 150th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 1997.
    10. Shalev AY, Freedman S, Peri T, Glick N, Brandes D, Orr SP, Pitman RK: Physiological response to trauma and subsequent PTSD. 150th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 1997, New Research, Program and Abstract. P.161
    11. Shalev AY, Pitman RK, Orr SP, Peri T, Brandes D.  Prospective Study of Responses to loud tones in trauma survivors with PTSD. (ACNP Annual meeting, December 1998, Puerto Rico).
    12. Shalev AY, Pitman RK, Orr SP, Peri T, Brandes D.  Prospective MRI Study of hippocampal volume in PTSD. (ACNP annual meeting, December 1999, Acapulco).
    13. Shalev AY,  Caneti L, Peri T,   Peri-traumatic dissociation and PTSD: a prospective study. The second meeting of the Israeli Society for Biological Psychiatry. Kfar Giladi, March 28-30, 1995.
    14. Gelpin E, Peri T, Shalev AY. Treatment of recent trauma survivors with benzodiazepines: a prospective study. The second meeting of the Israeli Society for Biological Psychiatry. Kfar Giladi, March 28-30, 1995
    15. Shalev AY  Peri T. Traumatic Dissociation in Israeli Accident and Terrorist Victims. Fourth Meeting of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Paris, May 9-11, 1995
    16. Shalev AY,  Peri T  Psychophysiology of PTSD -- Recent Advances Fourth Meeting of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Paris, May 9-11, 1995
    17. Shalev, A.Y., Peri, T., Brandes, D., Gelpin, E., Sahar, T., Inbar, N, Orr, S.P. & Pitman, R.K., Prospective Follow-up Study of Physiological Responses in Recent Trauma Survivors(Research abstract) Annals of the New York Academy of Science, NY, september, 1996.
    18. Shalev AY Peri T, Caneti L, Schreiber S. The role of peri-traumatic dissociation in PTSD International Society of Traumatic Stress, 10th Annual Meeting, Chicago Nov 5-9, 1994.
    19. Peri T, Ben-Shachar G, Shalev AY, Psychophysiological Evidence of Heightened Conditionability in PTSD. International Society of Traumatic Stress, 10th Annual Meeting, Chicago Nov. 5-9, 1994.
    20. Peri, T., Ben-Shakhar, G. & Shalev, A.Y., Heightend Conditionability in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. American Psychiatric Association, 146TH Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, May 21-25, 1994.
    21. Shalev, A., Peri, T., Gur, E., Gelphin, G., Oumanski, L., Bonne, O. & Bloch, M., Alprazolam and auditory startle in PTSD. American Psychiatric Association 147th annual meeting, Philadelphia, May 22-26, 1994. (New Research) Abstract pp. 213.
    22. Shalev AY, Peri T   Biopsychological Perspectives on Memory in PTSD. American Psychiatric Association 147th Annual Meeting,  Philadelphia,  May 22-26, 1994.
    23. Shalev AY, Peri T, Schreiber S, Caneti L. The longitudinal course of PTSD among recent trauma victims. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress, San Antonio, Texas, October 24-27, 1993 (Book of abstracts p.59)
    24. Shalev, A.Y., Orr, S.P., Peri, T., Schrieber, S. & Pitman, R.K., Acustic startle response in post traumatic stress disorder: Habituation of the electromyographic and electrodermal responses. American Psychiatric Association, 144TH Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May 11-15, 1991.
    25. Shalev, A.Y., Orr, S.P., Peri, T., Schrieber, S. & Pitman, R.K. Impaired habituation of the startle response in post traumatic stress disorder. International society for Traumatic Stress- Seventh Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. Oct 24-27, 1991.
    26. Stein, D., Peri, T., Pollack, D., Floman, Y. & Edelstein, E.L. Psychological correlates of acute low back pain. International Congress of Orthopaedic Surgery. Rome, Italy. May 1987.

    Non Refereed Publications

    • Peri T., (2010) Applied Psychoanalysis, Biblical Interpretation and Clinical Implications, Psychoactualya (Heb), Jan 2010, Israeli Psychological Association, pp. 20-26.
    • Peri T., (2008), Egalitarian Families – Complications and Challenges, in: Rosenson Y., & Kehat H., (Eds.), Sanctuaries of the Psyche – Studies on Theories of the Soul in Judaism, Orot College Publications, (Heb.) Elkana, Israel, pp. 149-164.
    • Peri T., (2007), Religion and Reality – Psychotherapist's Perspective of the Changing Attitudes Towards Homosexuality in the Jewish Orthodox Community, In: Ben-Ari A. & Lavi Y., (Eds.), "On an Unpaved Path" - Collected papers on the "New Families" (Heb.), Haifa University Press, Israel. 
    • Peri T., (2003), The Exceptional Son – Studies in the Patriarchs Stories, Har-Etzion Alumni Journal, (Heb.) Vol. 18, pp. 101-120.
    • Peri T., (2001), Between Teshuva and Psychotherapy. In: Navon H., (Ed.), Teshuva and Psychology, (Heb.), Tvunot, Alon Shvut, pp. 7-19.
    • Peri T., (2001), Coeducation in Adolescence – From a Psychological Research  Findings' Perspective, In: Bazaq A., (Ed.), On the Patriarchs' Path, (Heb.) Tvunot, Alon Shvut, pp. 163-175.

    Peri T., (1998), Pedagogical Guide and Practicing Student Relationships, in: Mechilin, (Heb.), Tvunot, Alon Shvut, pp. 255-260.

    Research Interests


    • Narrative therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder, complex grief and loss.
    • The evaluation of therapy outcomes and the variants which influence therapy outcomes.
    • Psychoanalytic reading in the Tanakh and Rabbinic literature




    Last Updated Date : 19/01/2025