Dr. Shimrit Daches
2018-present: Lecturer, Psychology Department, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan.
2015-2018: Post-Doctoral associate, The Childhood Depression Research Project. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
2007-2014: PhD, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, School of Education, Divisionof Child Clinical and School Psychology.
2004-2007: MA, (Magna cum Laude) Hebrew University, Jerusalem, School of Education, Division of Child Clinical and School Psychology.
2001-2004: BA, (Magna cum Laude) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Behavioral Science.
Daches, S., Mor, N., Winquist, J., & Gilboa-Schechtman, E. (2010). Brooding and attentional control in processing self-encoded information: Evidence from a modified Garner task. Cognition and Emotion, 24, 876-885
Daches, S. & Mor, N. (2013). Training ruminators to inhibit negative information: A preliminary report. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 38, 160-171.
Cohen*, N., Daches*, S., Mor, N., & Henik, A. (2014). Inhibition of negative content–A shared process in rumination and reappraisal. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 1-4.
*Shared first-author contribution.
Daches, S. & Mor, N. (2015). Brooding moderates the link between reappraisal and inhibition of negative information. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 923-934.
Daches, S. Mor, N. & Hertel, P. (2015). Rumination: Cognitive consequences of training to inhibit the negative. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 49, 76-83.
Mor, N. & Daches, S. (2015). Ruminative thinking: Lessons learnt from cognitive training. Clinical Psychological Science, 3, 574-592.
Daches, S., Kovacs, M., George, C., Yaroslavsky, I., Kiss, E., Vetro, A., Dochnal R., Benak, I., Baji, I., Halas, K., Makai, A., Kapornai, K. & Rottenberg, J. (2017). Childhood adversity predicts reduced physiological flexibility during the processing of negative affect among adolescents with major depression histories. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 121, 22-28.
Daches, S., Vine, V., Layendecker K., George, C. & Kovacs, M. (2018). Family functioning as perceived by parents and young offspring at high and low risk for depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 226, 355-360.
Daches, S., Vine, V., George, C. & Kovacs, M. (2019). Adversity and Depression: The Moderating Role of Stress Reactivity Among High and Low Risk Youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
Yang, X., Daches, S., George, C. J., Kiss, E., Kapornai, K., Baji, I., & Kovacs, M. (2019). Autonomic correlates of lifetime suicidal thoughts and behaviors among adolescents with a history of depression. Psychophysiology, e13378.
Daches, S., Mor, N. & Hertel, P. (2019). Training to inhibit negative content affects memory and rumination. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Daches, S., Yaroslavsky, I., & Kovacs, M. (2019). The persistence of hedonically-based mood repair among young offspring at high-and low-risk for depression. Cognition and Emotion, 1-13.
Research interests
My research suggests that there are important behavioral, cognitive, and physiological processes that underlie maladaptive emotion regulation related to risk for depression: 1) Behaviorally, individuals at risk for depression show difficulty sustaining the positive outcomes of emotion regulation, and they fall back to feelings of sadness. 2) Cognitively, individuals who tend to ruminate in response to distress show difficulty inhibiting negative and self-relevant information and those who are trained in inhibition subsequently report less rumination and improved cognitive abilities. 3) Physiologically, individuals at risk for depression who experience more negative life events show less parasympathetic flexibility in response to distress. Furthermore, increased reactivity to distress among those individuals predict worse emotional outcomes.
I am interested in the mechanisms that underlie depression as well as develop interventions for individuals at risk. In my lab we examine the beneficial effects of a novel training on physiological measures and also on regulation reported in daily life. Combining laboratory-and Ecological Momentary Assessment approaches will inform about the generalizability of lab-based findings.
My work also raise important questions in relation to how emotion regulation changes over distinct developmental periods and what are the cognitive and physiological changes that assist this change. I see adolescence as an important developmental stage during which to examine risk factors for the development of depression, because rates of depressive disorders increase dramatically in adolescence.
Last Updated Date : 19/01/2025