Prof. Noa Vilchinsky
Year |
Degree |
Institution |
1993 - 1997 |
B.A. |
Psychology (Major) Humanities (Minor) Tel Aviv University, Israel (cum laude) |
1998 - 2000 |
M.A. |
Rehabilitation Psychology Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
1999 - 2001 |
Ph.D. |
Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
Post–doc The psycho-Cardiology Lab, Department of Cardiology, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel |
Religiosity and Mental Health: Meaning in life, fear of death and perceived social support as psychological mediators of the correlation between religious behavior, religious belief, well-being and distress. |
Professor S. Kravetz |
Year |
1993 |
Dean’s Honors List, Faculty of Social Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
The Enbal Atiya Grant for Academic Excellence, Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
1999 |
The Rector and Dean’s Grant for Distinguished PhD Students, Faculty of Social Science, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel |
2009 |
The Vice-Rector Award for Excellence in Teaching. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel |
Revenson, T.A., Griva, K., Luszczynska, A., Morrison, V. Panagopoulu, E., Vilchinsky, N., & Hagedoorn, M. (2015). Caregiving in the Illness Context. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Chapters in Books
1. Hasson-Ohayon, I., Vilchinsky, N. (2011). Cognitive behavioral therapy for people coping with chronic physical illnesses. In: S. Marom, E. Gilboa-Schechtman, N. Mor, & J. Mayers (Eds.), Cognitive behavioral therapy for adults: An integrative approach (283-309). Probook, Israel (in Hebrew).
2. Vilchinsky, N. (2017). Self-Management in the Context of Cardiac Impairments. In: E. Martz, (Ed.), Promoting Self-Management of Chronic Impairments: Theories and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3. Vilchinsky, N. (2017). Stress and crisis intervention in the illness context. In S. Ayers, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Petrie, T. A. Revenson, and J. Weinman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine - 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Vilchinsky, N., & Dekel, R. (2017). Couples Coping with Cardiac-Induced PTSD: The need for a dyadic perspective. In S. Donato, (Eds.), When "We" are Stressed: A Dyadic Approach to Coping with Stressful Events. NOVA Science Publishers.
Articles in periodicals
Note: *= students
1. Florian, V., & Vilchinsky, N. (2001). Frequency of marital problems and their treatment difficulty: The Israeli therapists’ perspective. Society and Welfare, 21 281-309. [In Hebrew]
2. Vilchinsky, N., & Findler, L. (2004). Attitudes toward Israel’s Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Law: A multi-perspective approach. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49, 309–316.
3. Vilchinsky, N., & Kravetz, S. (2005). How are religious belief and behavior good for you? An investigation of mediators relating religion to mental health in a sample of Israeli Jewish students. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 44, 459-471.
4. Findler, L., Vilchinsky, N., & Werner, S. (2007). The multidimensional attitudes scale toward persons with disabilities (MAS): Construction and validation. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 30, 166-176.
5. Vilchinsky, N, Werner, S, & Findler, L. (2010). Gender and attitudes toward people using wheelchairs: A multidimensional approach. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 53, 163-174.
6. Vilchinsky, N, Findler, L. & Werner, S. (2010). Attitudes toward people with disabilities: The perspective of attachment theory. Rehabilitation Psychology, 55, 298-306.
7. Vilchinsky, N., *Haze-Filderman, L., Leibowitz, M., *Reges, O., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2010). Spousal support and cardiac patients’ Distress: The moderating role of attachment orientation. Journal of Family Psychology, 24, 508-512.
8. Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Leibowitz, M., *Reges, O., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2011). Dynamics of support perceptions among couples coping with cardiac illness: The effect on recovery outcomes. Health Psychology, 30, 411–419. DOI: 10.1037/a0023453.
9. *Reges, O., Vilchinsky, N., Leibowitz, M., Manor, D., Mosseri, M. & Kark, G., (2011). Perceptions of cause of illness in Acute Myocardial Infarction patients: A longitudinal study. Patients Education and Counseling, 85, 155–161. DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2010.12.022
10. Vilchinsky, N., *Yaakov, M., *Sigawi, L., Leibowitz, M., *Reges, O., *Levit, O., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2012). Preliminary evidence for the construct and concurrent validity of the DS14 in Hebrew. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 19, 234–240. DOI 10.1007/s12529-011-9147-8.
11. *Reges, O., Vilchinsky, N., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, M. & Kark, G. (2013). Arab-Jewish differences in attending cardiac rehabilitation programs following acute coronary syndrome. International Journal of Cardiology, 163, 218-219.
12. Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., *Asher, Z., Leibowitz, M. & Mosseri, M. (2013). The role of illness perceptions in the attachment-related process of affect regulation. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 26, 314-329.
13. Dekel, R., Vilchinsky, N., Liberman, G., Leibowitz, Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2013). Marital satisfaction and depression among couples following men’s acute coronary syndrome: Testing dyadic dynamics in a longitudinal design. British Journal of Health Psychology, 19, 347-362.
14. *Reges, O., Vilchinsky, N., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, M., & Kark, G. (2013). Illness cognition as a predictor of exercise habits and participation in cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programs after acute coronary syndrome. BMC Public Health, 13, 956-962.
15. *Reges, O., Vilchinsky, N., Kark, G., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2013). Systemic determinants as barriers to participation in cardiac prevention and rehabilitation services after Acute Coronary Syndrome. International Journal of Cardiology, 168, 4865-4867.
16. Hasson-Ohayon, I., *Hertz, Y., Vilchinsky, N., & Kravetz, S. (2014). Attitudes toward the sexuality of persons with physical versus psychiatric disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology, 59, 236-241.
17. *George, S., Vilchinsky, N., Tolmatcz, R., & Liberman, G. (2014). Sense of entitlement in couple relationship: A dyadic perspective. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 193–203.
18. *Reges, O., Vilchinsky, N., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, M., & Kark, J. D. (2014). Identifying barriers to participation in cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programs via decision tree analysis: establishing targets for remedial interventions. Open Heart, 1, 1-6. e000097.
19. Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Revenson, T.A., Liberman, G. & Mosseri, M. (2015). Cardiac caregivers' burden and depressive symptoms: The moderational role of attachment orientations. Health Psychology, 34, 262–269.
20. *Reges, O., Vilchinsky, N., Kark, G., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2015). Change in health behaviors following acute coronary syndrome: Arab-Jewish differences. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 1-10.
21. Vilchinsky, N., Soskolne, V., *Taha-Fahum, A., Jeries, S. (2016). Dynamics of culture and health: Perceived behavioral control and differences in smoking behavior between Arab and Jewish cardiac patients in Israel, Socionomics
22. *Fait, K., Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Levi, N., Hod, H., & Matezky, S. (2016). Cardiac- Disease-Induced Post-Traumatic-Stress-Symptoms (CDI-PTSS) among patients' partners. Stress and Health, 33, 169-176
23. *George, S., Vilchinsky, N., Tolmatcz, R., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, & Hod, H. (2016). "It takes two to take:" Relational Entitlement, Caregiving Styles, and Cardiac Patients' medication taking. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 743-751.
24. *George, S., Vilchinsky, N., Raffaeli, E., Liberman, G., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, & Hod, H. (2016). Caregiving styles and anxiety among couples: Coping versus not coping with cardiac illness. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 30, 107-120.
25. *Bar-Kalifa, E., *Bar-Kalifa, L., Raffaeli, E.,*George, S., Vilchinsky, N. (2016). Relational Entitlement Moderates the Associations between Support Matching and Perceived Partner Responsiveness. Journal of Research in Personality, 65, 1-10.
26. Hilpert, P., Randall, A., Sorokowski, P., Atkins, D.C., Sorokowska, A., Agnieszka Sorokowska; Khodabakhsh Ahmadi; Ahmad M. Algraibeh; Richmond Aryeetey; Anna Bertoni; Karim Bettache; Marta Błażejewska; Guy Bodenmann; Jessica Borders; Tiago S.Bortolini; Marina Butovskaya; Felipe N. Castro; Hakan Cetinkaya; Diana Cunha; Oana A. David; Anita DeLongis; Fahd A. Dileym; Alejandra d. C. Domínguez Espinosa; Silvia Donato; Daria Dronova; Seda Dural; Maryanne Fisher; Tomasz Frackowiak; Evrim Gulbetekin; Aslıhan Hamamcıoğlu Akkaya; Karolina Hansen; Wallisen T. Hattori; Ivana Hromatko; Raffaella Iafrate; Bawo James; Feng Jiang; Charles O. Kimamo; David B. King; Fırat Koç; Amos Laar; Fívia d. A. Lopes; Rocio Martinez; Norbert Mesko; Natalya Molodovskaya; Fatemeh Moradi; Zahrasadat Motahari; Jean C. Natividade; Joseph Ntayi; Oluyinka Ojedokun; Mohd S. B. Omar-Fauzee; Ike Onyishi; Barış Özener; Anna Paluszak; Alda Portugal; Ana P. Relvas; Muhammad Rizwan; Svjetlana Salkičević; Ivan Sarmány- Schuller; Eftychia Stamkou; Stanislava Stoyanova; Denisa Šukolová; Nina Sutresna; Meri Tadinac; Andero Teras; Edna L. Tinoco Ponciano; Ritu Tripathi; Nachiketa Tripathi; Mamta Tripathi; Patricia R. Verdugo; Noa Vilchinsky; Feng Xu; Maria E. Yamamoto; Gyesook Yoo. (2016). The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary Between and Within Nations: A 35-Nation Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-16.
27. Vilchinsky, N., & *Shturm, M. (2016). Respect and dignity of patients in the medical settings. [In Hebrew]. Society and Welfare, 36, 477-502.
28. *Peleg, S., Vilchinsky, N., Fisher, W.A., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2016). Personality makes a difference: Attachment orientations moderate TPB predictions of medication adherence. Journal of Personality, 85, 867-879.
29. Vilchinsky, N., Ginsburg, K., Fait, K. & Foa, E. B. (2017). Cardiac- disease induced- PTSD: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 55, 92-106.
30. Vilchinsky, N. (2017). Undiagnosed, untreated, unknown: PTSD among cardiac patients' partners. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1-3.
31. Vilchinsky, N., *Reges, O., Kark, J., Leibowitz, M., Khaskia, A., & Mosseri, M. (2018). Depression and anxiety as barriers to participation in cardiac prevention and rehabilitation services after Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Prevention and Rehabilitation.
32. *Fait, K., Vilchinsky, N., Dekel, R., Levi, N., Hod, H., & Matezky, S. (in press). Cardiac–disease-induced PTSD and Fear of illness progression: Capturing the unique nature of disease-related PTSD. General Hospital Psychiatry.
33. Vilchinsky, N., *Horowitz, Y., *Bar-Kalifa, E., Hasson-Ohayon, I., Berlin, T. & Mosseri, M. (2018). Existentially-oriented group intervention for patients with heart failure (EXOGI-HF): Intervention development and preliminary assessment. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.
34. *George-Levi, S., *Peleg, S., Vilchinsky, N., Raffaeli, E., Khaskia, A., Mosseri, & Hod, H. (2020). Attachment insecurity hinders cardiac patients’ ability to receive partners’ care: A longitudinal dyadic study. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,
35. Cornelius, T., Vilchinsky, N., *Fait, K., Hod, H., & Matezky, S. (2020). Early exposure to cardiac treatment and distress among patients and their spouses. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
36. *Bei, E., Rotem O., & Vilchinsky, N. (2020). Providing care from afar: A growing yet understudied phenomenon in the caregiving field. Frontiers in Psychology.
Introduction to Psychology; Personality Theories; Values in Treatment and Rehabilitation; Practical field experience in Rehabilitation Psychology.
Introduction to Rehabilitation Psychology, Family and Disability- theoretical and clinical perspectives; Psychotherapy in rehabilitation settings; Pro-practicum in Rehabilitation Psychology; From trauma to adaptation in chronic illnesses; Clinical Interviewing for Rehabilitation Psychologists.
Research interests
1. Dyadic coping in times of illness. |
2. Social support, personality and recovery. |
3. Trauma and illnesses.
4. Attitudes toward people with disabilities. |
5. Psycho-cardiology: Coping with CVD |
6. Values in psychotherapy and rehabilitation |
Research Achievement
Congratulations on her winning the prestigious grant:
European Union's Horizon 20/20 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 814072
On the subject of ENTWINE: Caregiving in Europe
- Vilchinsky, N. (2016). Caregiving. Haaretz. (Hebrew).
- Vilchinsky, N. (2015). Caregiving research network. European Health Psychologist. EHPS.
- Vilchinsky, N. (2015). Poor, lonely, depressed and having a heart attack- Women and cardiac illness. Haaretz. (Hebrew).
- Vilchinsky, N. (2008). Psychocardiology. Galileo. (Hebrew).
- Vilchinsky, N. (2007). Psychocardiology. Psychoactualia. The Israeli Psychological Association (Hebrew).
- Vilchinsky, N. & Findler, L. (2004). The readiness of the Israeli society to the implementation of the Israeli act for people with disabilities. Psychoactualia. The Israeli Psychological Association (Hebrew).
- Vilchinsky, N. (2003). The agony of the young rehabilitation psychologist. Psychoactualia. The Israeli Psychological Association (Hebrew).
- Vilchinsky, N. (1999). A society without disabilities. Haaretz. (Hebrew).
2005 - The Peleg-Bilig Center for the Study of Family Well-Being, Bar-Ilan University
2005 –IHF - The Israel Heart Fund
2006 - IHF - The Israel Heart Fund
2007 - IHF - The Israel Heart Fund
2007- The National Institute for Health Policy (NIHP-ISRAEL)
2008- The National Institute for Health Policy (NIHP-ISRAEL)
2008 – IHF - The Israel Heart Fund
2009 – IHF -The Israel Heart Fund
2010 – IHF - The Israel Heart Fund
2011 - IHF- The Israel Heart Fund
2012 - IFT- Israel Foundations Trustees.
2012 - ISF -Israel Science Foundation ("very good" grade).
2014- European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)-Networking grant
2016-2020 ISF-Israel Science Foundation.
2016-2019 Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, Israel
2017 ISF- conference
2018-2021 ITN- HORIZON 20/20- European Research Commission
2020-2021 NIHP-Israel. The burden of caregiving
Last Updated Date : 19/01/2025