פרופ' רבקה תובל - משיח
קורות חיים
Year |
Degree |
Institution |
1987-1990 |
B.A. |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Magna Cum Laude |
1990-1993 |
M.A |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Magna Cum Laude |
1994-2000 |
Ph.D. |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel |
Dissertation: |
Gender, Identity and Status in life Stories of Israeli Women and Men. |
Prof. Amia Lieblich |
Clinical Experience and appointments
1996-1997 |
Diploma in Group Instruction, and Work Experience, The Army Seminary of IDF in Har Gilo, Jerusalem
1994-1999 |
Training and Internship in Clinical Psychology, Populations: Youth and Adolecents, Adults, Trauma Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
2000 – 2001
2000- Current
2004 - 2010
2008 - 2010
2010- current
2011 -Current |
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Unit for eating disorders, & Center for traumatic stress, Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah University Hospital. Private practice, Fields of Expertise: Trauma and PTSD, Eating Disorders, Women
Private practice, Jerusalem
Clinical Supervisor, Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University
Co- Director, The community services clinic, Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University
Head of the unit for education and special activities, The community services clinic, Bar Ilan
2011- Head of Head, The Community services unit, NATAL, The Israel association for victims of nati national trauma
Year |
Appointment |
(Work Percentage) |
1991-1992 |
Research Assistant, Perception of Newborns, With Prof. Marsha Kates, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
50% |
1992-1993 |
Research Assistant, Attachment in Infants, With Dr. Nurit Yirmia, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
50% |
1993-1997 |
Research Coordinator, Narrative Research on Social Mobility, (PI: Prof. Amia Lieblich), Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
50% |
1994-1997 |
Instructor, Psychology of Gender, B.A. Course, Gender Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. |
25% |
1995-2000 |
Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Practice for B.A. Students, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
25% |
1998 - 2001 |
Research Coordinator, (PI: Prof. Arik Shalev) Prospective study of PTSD, Center For Traumatic Stress, Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
50% |
1997– 2001 |
Lecturer, Psychology of Gender, B.A. Course, Hertzog College For Education, Alon Shvut
25% |
1999-2000 |
Instructor, Narrative and Autobiographies, Department for Continuing Studies, Hakibutzim seminary, Tel Aviv |
25% |
2001-2002 |
Fulbright Scholar, Post-Doctoral studies, CUNY University, Graduate center, New York, NY, USA. |
100% |
2004 2002- 2005 |
Visiting Scholar, University of Maryland, USA
Instructor, Department of Psychology and the Gender Program, Bar Ilan University |
100% Summer Program
100% |
2005-2007 |
Lecturer, Department of Psychology and the Gender Program, Bar Ilan University |
100% |
2007-Current |
Senior Lecturer Co Director, Department of Psychology and the Gender Program, Bar Ilan University |
100% |
2007-2009 |
Community Psychological Services Clinic (CPSC), Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University |
2009-2011 |
Head, Clinical Psychology Program, Bar lan University |
PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONS: (Memberships/Editorial Activities)
Year |
2010- Current
2011- Current |
Professional affiliations
International Women's Consortium, Maryland University
ISTSS- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
IAFGS- Israel association of feminist and gender studies : Membership.
Kolech- (your voice): member of Orthodox women’s forum for the advancement and equity of women in Judaism.
1997- 2007 2003- current 2004-current 2005-current |
Ad hoc Reviewer Reviewer for Sihot-Dialogues , the Israel journal of Psychotherapy.
Reviewer for Megamot.
Reviewer for Qualitative Research in Psychology
Reviewer for Mental Health
Reviewer for Women and Health Reviewer for Journal of Research on Adolescence Reviewer for Journal of Adolescent Research Reviewer for Journal of Psychotherapy integration Reviewer for Psychological Trauma Reviewer for Social Development
Reviewer of research grants and proposals
2008-Current- ISF
2012- BSF
Zisman-Ilani, Y., Hasson-Ohayon., I., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Levy-Frank, I., & Roe, D. (2017). Self-stigma, insight, and family burden among Israeli mothers of people with serious mental illness: Ethno-national considerations. Transcultural Psychiatry, 54(2)
Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2017). Raising the curtain: The importance of transparency In qualitative research. Qualitative Psychology, 4(2), 126-138.
Diner-Zisk, R., Tuval-Mashiach, R., & Kravetz, S. (2017). The relationships Between disclosure of child's mental illness and wellbeing in parents. Megamot,51,1, 1-16. (Hebrew).
Shulman, S., Scharf, M., Bohr, Y., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Hirsh, Y., & Faians, M. (2017). Adolescent romantic competence and parenting attitudes: Gender variations and correlates. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34(4), 594-614.
Zeira, A. Tuval-Mashiach, R., Meir, G., Levy, D., Refaeli, T, & Benbenisty, R. (2018). Alumni of National Civic Service: Comparing the experience of at-risk and mainstream volunteers. International social work, 61, (6),1027-1041.
Hasson‐Ohayon, I., Peri, T., Rotschild, I., & Tuval‐Mashiach, R. (2017). The Mediating Role of Integration of Loss in the Relationship Between Dissociation and Prolonged Grief Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73(12), 1717-1728.
Rubinstein, K., Bhuknik-Atzil, O., Tuval-Maschiach, R., Fruchter, E., & eiser, M. (2017). Characteristics of pre-morbid functioning in male adolescents who later suffered from psychotic disorders: Case-controlled study. European Psychiatry, 41, S832-S833.
Stein, J.Y., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2017). Narrating for Empathy: Linguistic Devices for alleviating experiential loneliness following combat related trauma. Israel Studies in Language & Society, 10, 1, 175-199.
Bitton, S., Tuval-Mashiach, R., and Freedman, S. (2017) Distress Levels among Parents of Active Duty Soldiers during Wartime. Frontiers. Psychol. 8:1679. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01679
Freedman, S. A., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2018). Shared trauma reality in war: Mental health therapists’ experience. PloS one, 13(2), e0191949.
Hacohen, N., Atzil-Slonim, D., Tuval-Mashiach, R., Bar-Kalifa, E., & Fisher, H. (2017). Multiplicity and mutuality in the transition of patient and therapist’s self- states: Comparison of good vs. poor outcome groups. Psychotherapy Research, 1-14.
Tuval-Mashiach, R., Patton, B., & Drebing, C. (2018). When you make a movie and you see your story there, you can hold it- qualitative exploration of collaborative filmmaking as a therapeutic tool for veterans. Frontiers in Psychology, 9,1954.
Hacohen,N., Atzil-Slonim, D., Shapira, K., Bar-Kalifa, E., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (In press, Journal of Psychotherapy Integration). Investigating the mutual Changing of Patient’s and Therapist’s Self-States: An Integrative Clinical Research of a Single Therapeutic Case.
Tuval-Mashiach, R., & Corb, A. (In Press, Society & welfare). Between pride and guilt: Israeli mothers' coping with the enlistment of their firstborn sons to combat military service. (Hebrew).
Mor-Yosef, R., Stein J. & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (In press, Israel Studies in Language & Society). Developments in narrative research and their implications for understanding narration and silence in coping with trauma: Captivity trauma as a test case. (Hebrew).
Mendlovic, S., Saad, A., Ben Yehuda, A., Tuval-Mashiah, R., & Atzil-Slonim, D.(In press, Psychotherapy Research). The Association between Patient-Therapist MATRIX Congruency and Treatment Outcome.
Shulman, S., Seiffge-Krenke, I., Ziv, I. & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (In press, Journal of Youth and Adolescence). Patterns of Romantic Pathways among 23- Year Old and their Adolescent Antecedents.
נרטיב וסיפורי חיים (בתכנית ללימודי מגדר)
מחקר איכותני- מתחילים
מחקר איכותני- מתקדמים
קולוקויום מחקרי קליני
טראומה והתמודדות
פרקטיקום נרטיב, בריאות וחולי
טיפול זוגי ממוקד רגש
תחומי מחקר
מנחה מ.א. ודוקטורט
מחקר בפסיכותרפיה- מחקרי תהליך ותוצאות טיפול
טראומה - PTSD, תהליכי התמודדות, חוסן, צמיחה ומשמעות בעקבות טראומה
תהליכים נרטיביים של התמודדות עם מחלות
זהות ומושג עצמי (בהתמודדות עם חולי ובריאות)
שיטות מחקר איכותניות (היבטים מתודולוגיים)
סיפורי חיים
פסיכולוגיה של המגדר - אימהות, הבניית זהות מגדרית
הישג מחקרי
ברכות על זכייתה במענק מחקר מהקרן הלאומית למדע (ISF) על הצעתה בנושא: מדיסוציאציה לדיאלקטיקה: השתנות הדדית של המטופל והמטפל והקשר לתוצאות הטיפול, לשנים 2015-2017.
אמצעי התקשורת
Please go to my personal site, where the information is more updated
קרנות מחקר
Year |
(amount) |
1988-1990 |
Dean Honors List and Awards, Faculty of Social Science, Hebrew University Of Jerusalem
1990-1992 |
Rector Honors List and Awards, (Full Sponsorship of MA Studies) Faculty of Social Science, Hebrew University Of Jerusalem
1993-1994 |
Levin Center Scholarship, Levin Center for Human Development, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem . |
1993-1994 |
Lafer Center Award, for Ph.D research, The Rosita and Esteban Herczeg Progran on Gender Differences in Society, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1994 |
Rector Prize for Excellence in MA Studies, Faculty of Social Science, Hebrew University Of Jerusalem,
1994-1995 |
Israel Association of University Women (IAUW) Award for excellence
1994-1996 |
Shaine Research Grant for Ph.D research, Shaine Center for Research of Israeli Society, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1994 |
Schindler Fellowship for Clinical psychology internship, Hadassah University Hospital, |
1994-1997 |
Full Doctorate Fellowship, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2001 |
Fulbright fellowship for Post-doctoral studies $ 20,000 |
2002 |
Schuff Foundation Scholarship for post-doctoral $15,000 Studies, Bar Ilan University
2012- 2014
2013 |
Ford foundation, Israel Trustess Foundation,(ITF) $ 25,000 PI, (with Dr. Orit Nuttman-Shwartz), Follow up study on the emotional adjustment of Gush Katif evacuees Ministry of Science Grant, $ 100,000 (with Prof. Rami Benbenisti & Prof. Anat Zeira) The Impact of National Civil Service from the Perspective of Youth at Risk Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Research Awards $ 3,500 |
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 29/05/2022