ד"ר אלנה שטפן
קורות חיים
2016-Present: Senior Lecturer (tenured)– Bar-Ilan University – Psychology Department (Social/Organizational area).
Elena Stephan received her Ph.D. in social psychology from Tel-Aviv University, Israel in 2006. She then joined the School of Psychology, University of Southampton, England, as a post-doctoral research fellow. Since 2011, Elena is at the Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University: Director of the Social Cognition and Motivation Lab, Head of the Social and Organizational Area (2016-2019). In 2019, Elena was a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Social Psychology, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Stephan, E., & Walker, M. (2024). The true self in reflections? Visual self‐recognition and the Big Five. European Journal of Social Psychology
Walker, M., & Stephan, E. (2024). The effect of approach and avoidance motivation on self-perception. Acta Psychologica, 248, 104391
Albath, E.A., Stephan, E., & Greifeneder, R. (2024). Ostracizers’ Mark of Disgrace: Ostracism Increases the Actor-Observer Difference. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(2), 610-628
Stephan, E., & Sedikides, C. (2024). Mental Time Travel as Self-Affirmation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 28(2), 181-208
Hepper, E., Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Cheung, W. Y., Stephan, E.,..& Zatsepin, A. S. (2023). Pancultural nostalgia in action: Prevalence, triggers, and psychological functions of nostalgia across cultures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Stephan, E., Shidlovski D., Shanetzki, M., Agajany, K., & Mashal, N (2022). The role of vividness of imagery in metaphors use in language. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(1), 212-229.
Amit, E., Rim, S. Y., Halbeisen, G., Cohen Priva, U., Stephan, E., & Trope, Y. (2019). Distance-dependent memory for pictures and words. Journal of Memory and Language,105, 119-130.
Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T. & Stephan, E. (2018). Nostalgia Shapes and Potentiates the Future. In J. P. Forgas & R. F. Baumeister (Eds.) The Social Psychology of Living Well. New York: Routledge.
Stephan, E., Shidlovski, D. & Sedikides, C. (2018). Self-Prospection and Energization: The Joint Influence of Time Distance and Consideration of Future Consequences. Self and Identity, 17(1), 22-36
Stephan, E., Faust, M., & Borodkin, K. (2018). The role of Psychological Distancing in Appreciation of Art: Can Native versus Foreign Language Context Affect Responses to Abstract and Representational Paintings? Acta Psychologica, 186, 71-80
Stephan, E. (2017). The Influence of a Foreign versus Native Language on Creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 4, 426-432
Stephan, E., Shidlovski, D. & Heller, D. (2017). Distant Determination and Near Determinism: The Role of Temporal Distance in Prospective Attributions to Will. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 68, 113-121
Stephan, E., Sedikides, C., Wildschut, Cheung, W.Y., Routledge, C., & Arndt, J. (2015) Nostalgia-Evoked Inspiration: Mediating Mechanisms and Motivational Implications. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(10), 1395-1410.
Stephan, E. Sedikides, C. & Heller, D., Shidlovski, D. (2015). My Fair Future Self: The Role of Temporal Distance and Self-enhancement in Prediction. Social Cognition, 33 (2), 149-168.
Stephan, E., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Zhou, X., He, W., Routledge, C, Cheung, W., & Vingerhoets, A.(2014). The Mnemonic Mover: Nostalgia Regulates Avoidance and Approach Motivation. Emotion, 14(3), 545-561.
Hepper, E. G., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Ritchie, T., Yung, Y.-F., Hansen, N., Abakoumkin, G., Arikan, G., Cisek, S., Demassosso, B. D., Gebauer, J., Gerber, J. P., Gonzales, R., Kusumi, T., Misra, G., Rusu, M., Ryan, O., Stephan, E., Vingerhoets, A., & Zhou, X. (2014). Pancultural nostalgia: Prototypical conceptions across cultures. Emotion, 14(4), 733-747.
Stephan, E., Sedikides, C., & Wildschut, T. (2012) Mental travel into the past: differentiating recollections of nostalgic, ordinary, and positive events. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, (3), 290-298.
Heller, D., Stephan, E., Kifer, Y., & Sedikides., C. (2011). What Will I Be? The Role of Temporal Perspective in Predictions of Affect, Traits, and Self-Narratives. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 (3), 610 - 615.
Stephan, E., Liberman, N., & Trope, Y. (2011). The Effects of Time Perspective and Level of Construal on Social Distance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 (2), 397-402.
Stephan, E., Liberman, N., Trope, Y. (2010). Politeness and Psychological Distance: A Construal Level Perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98 (2), 268-280.
Liberman, N., Trope, Y., & Stephan, E. (2007). Psychological Distance. In E. T. Higgins and A. Kruglanski (Eds.) Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles (Vol. 2). New York: Guilford Press.
Kluger, A. N., Stephan, E., Ganzach Y., & Hershkovitz , M. (2004). The Effect of Regulatory Focus on the Shape of Probability-Weighting Function: Evidence from a Cross- Modality Matching Method. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 95, 20-39.
Number | Name | Year |
6091201 | Social Psychology - MA | 2013-25 |
6049501 | Psychological Distance Aspects in Interpersonal Relations - BA | 2011-24 |
6075701 | Social Cognition: Understanding the Self and Others - MA, PhD | 2011-12 |
6091301 | Advanced Research in Social Psychology - MA | 2011-24 |
6057801 | Social Cognition and Interpersonal Processes - BA | 2013-14 |
6092101 | Social & Organizational Psychology seminar - MA | 2011-22 |
6097801 | Language, Cognition and Interpersonal Communication - MA, PhD | 2012-14,23-24 |
6058001 | Self and Identity | 2025 |
6020901 | Introduction to Social Psychology - BA | 2011-13 |
תחומי מחקר
מנחה מ.א ודוקטורט
קוגניציה חברתית ומוטיבציה: הבנת העצמי והאחר
היבטי מרחק פסיכולוגי ביחסים בינאישיים: שימוש בשפה, מערכות יחסים, שיפוט והחלטות.
קרנות מחקר
Stephan, E. (2019-2025). From Self-Prospection to Self-Regulation: How Distance of the Future Self Impacts Representation and Regulation of the Self. Israel Science Foundation
Stephan, E. (2013-2017). The Role of Psychological Distance in Coping with Self-threat, Israel Science Foundation
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 04/09/2024