פרופ' הרווי באבקוף
קורות חיים
E-Mail Address: babkofh@gmail.com
c/o Newman
6317 Park Heights Ave.
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Phone: 410-828-7792
: 410-238-8784
Feb., 1961 - May, 1964 Ph.D. Columbia University, New York
(Experimental Psychology)
Sept., 1959 - Feb., 1961 MA Columbia University, New York
(Experimental Psychology)
1953 - 1959 BS Ner Israel Rabbinical College
Baltimore, MD
1955 - 1959 Courses Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
1957 - 1958 Courses Loyola University, Baltimore, MD
1966 - 1968 Interdepartmental Research Fellow sponsored
by Professor Seth E. Sharpless, Department
of Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Bronx, NY.
September 2001-
August, 2002 Visiting Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Geriatric Center, 3560 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
July-August, 1998 Research Associate, Summer Faculty Research Program Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Brooks Air Force Base, Texas,78235.
June, 1989 - September 1990 National Research Council Senior Associateship
Naval Health Research Center, P. O. Box 85122, San Diego, CA 92138-9174
Oct., 1979 - Sept., 1981 National Research Council Senior Associateship
Department of Military Medical Psycho-
physiology, Walter Reed Army Institute
of Research, Washington, DC
Summer 1972 & 1973 Associate Research Scientist, Department of
Mental Hygiene, State of New York.
1968 -1971 Associate Research Scientist, Department of
Mental Hygiene, State of New York.
1961 – 1966 Starting Position: Research Assistant
Last Position: Senior Scientist
Biometrics Research, 722 West 168th St.
New York, New York.
B. Teaching
1981 - Full Professor, Department of Psychology,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
1976 – 1981 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
1971 - 1976 Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
1970 – 1971 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology,
Queens College, Flushing, New York.
1968 – 1970 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences,
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York.
1968 (summer) Instructor, Queens College
1967 (summer) Instructor, Queens College
1965 - 1966 (part-time) Instructor, Hunter College, 68th St./Park Avenue,
New York, New York.
1963 - 1964 (part-time) Visiting Lecturer, Yeshiva University,
181st Street, New York, New York.
C. Administration
2009 Head, Psychology Department, Ashkelon
Academic College, Ashkelon, Israel
1991 – 1997 Academic Supervisor of the Regional Colleges
Associated with Bar-Ilan.
1982 - 1987 Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. Israel.
1976 - 1979 Chairman, Department of Psychology,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Sept., 1970 - Aug., 1973 USPHS Grant 18422, NIMH Psychoacoustic
Research in Psychopathology.
June, 1975 - Sept., 1977 Binational Science Foundation Grant 770,
Auditory Research in Experimental
Oct., 1984 - Sept., 1990 IDF Research and Development Grants.
Sept. 2003-Sept. 2005 Israel Lung Foundation
Recovery sleep after sleep deprivation and the effects of aging on Sleep inertia
Sept. 2003-Sept. 2005 Israel Science Foundation
The role of temporal resolution in adult dyslexia
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
American Psychological Association (Fellow)
American Psychological Society
International Council of Psychologists
Israel Psychological Association
New York Academy of Sciences
Psychomonic Society
Sigma Chi
Babkoff, H. (1964). The effect of background noise on the dichotic temporal interval required for the detection of the lag click. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Columbia Unviersity.
Babkoff, H., & Sutton, S. (1963). Perception of temporal order and loudness judgments for dichotic clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 35, 574-577.
Babkoff, H., & Sutton, S. (1966). End point of lateralization for dichotic clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 39, 87-102.
Babkoff, H., & Sutton, S. (1968). Monaural temporal masking of transients. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 44, 1373-1378.
Babkoff, H., & Sutton, S. (1968). Binaural interaction. I. Interaural intensity asymmetry. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 46, 87-892.
Babkoff, H., & Sharpless, S. K. (1970). Retinal sensitivity as measured by flicker suppression. Annals of Ophthalmology, 1, 468-472.
Babkoff, H., & Sharpless, S. K. (1971). B-wave recovery: Conditioning pulse parameters. Annals of Ophthalmology, 3, 467-476.
Babkoff, H., & Sutton, S. (1971). Monaural temporal interactions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 50, 459-465.
Babkoff, H., Sutton, S., & Harris, M. (1973). Binauaral interaction of transients: Interaural time and intensity saymmetry. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 53, 1028-1036.
Babkoff, H., Bergman, Y. & Brandeis, R. (1974). Response probability and response latency to threshold electrocutaneous stimuli. Perception and Psychophysics, 15, 417-424.
Bruder, G. E., & Babkoff, H. (1974). Variation in response of Sharpe HA 10 circumaural earphones at high frequencies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 56, 1307.
Babkoff, H., Brandeis, R. & Bergman, Y. (1975). Partial integration of single electrocutaneous pulses. Perception and Psychophysics, 17, 285-292.
Babkoff, H. (1975). The effect of light deprivation on the adult electroretinogram. Vision Research, 17, 870-872.
Bruder, E. E., Sutton, S., Babkoff, H., Gurland, B. J. Yozawitz, A. & Fleiss, J. L. (1975). Auditory facilitation of simple reaction time in psychiatric patients and non-patients. Psychological Medicine, 5, 260-272.
Babkoff, H. (1975). Dichotic temporal interactions: Fusion and temporal order. Perception and Psychophysics, 18, 267-272.
Babkoff, H. (1975). The effect of light deprivation on b-wave input-output functions. Annals of Ophthalmology , 7, 1335-1338.
Babkoff, H. (1976). The effect of light deprivation on the flickering b-waves. Annals of Ophthalmology, 8, 1089-1100.
Babkoff, H. (1976). Magnitude estimation of short electrocutaneous pulses. Psychological Research, 39, 39-49.
Babkoff, H. (1976). A quantitative study of two-pulse b-wave recovery functions. Opthalmic Research, 8, 354-361.
Babkoff, H. & Gombosh, D. (1976). Monaural and binaural temporal integration of noise bursts. Psychological Research, 39, 137-145.
Babkoff, H. (1977). Electrocutaneous input-output functions: Magnitude estimation and reaction time. International Journal of Neuroscience, 7, 73-80.
Babkoff, H. (1977). Light deprivation and light adaptation: A preliminary study. Annals of Ophthalmology, 9, 1535-1539.
Babkoff, H., Frommer, R. & Izaks, M. (1977). Effects of Light deprivation on visual discrimination in adult rats. International Journal of Neuroscience, 7, 227-230.
Babkoff, H. (1978). Electrocutaneous psychophysical input-output functions and temporal integration. Perception & Psychophysics, 23, 251-257.
Algom, D. & Babkoff, H. (1978). Discrimination of equal-energy, equally detectable auditory stimuli. Psychological Research, 40, 149-157.
Babkoff, H. (1979). Deviations from intensity-duration reciprocity as possible indicators of pathology. ((Commentary on Wasserman, G. S. & King, K-L. Absolute timing of mental activities)). The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2, 243-304.
Babkoff, H. & Algom, D. (1980). Temporal sequence discrimination of dichotic tones: The effect of frequency. International Journal of Neuroscience, 10, 211-215.
Babkoff, H. (1980). Dichotic temporal interactions: Nonmonotonic discrimination functions. Perception & Psychophysics, 27, 273-275.
Babkoff, H., Ben-Uriah, Y. & Eliashar, S. (1980). Grammatical decision time and visual hemifield stimulation. Cortex, 16, 575-586.
Babkoff, H., Algom, D. & Eliashar, D. (1980). Dichotic sequence discrimination: The effect of continued practice. Psychological Research, 42, 319-326.
Algom, D., Babkoff, H. & Ben-Uriah, Y. (1980). Temporal intergration and discrimination of equally detectable, equal-energy stimuli: The effect of frequency. Psychological Research, 42, 305-318.
Babkoff, H., Sutton, S., Zubin, J. & Har-Even, E. (1981). A comparison of psychiatric patients and normal controls on the integration of auditory stimul. Psychiatry Research, 3, 163-178.
Babkoff, H., Algom, D. & Eliashar, S. (1981). Dichotic sequence discrimination: The effect of stimulus intensity and background noise level. Perception & Psychophysics, 30, 194-198.
Babkoff, H. (1982). Theoretical review: The psychophysics and physiology of the lateralization of transient stimuli. In W. D. Neff (Ed.), Contribution to Sensory Physiology Vol. 6, pp. 179-205. New York: Academic Press.
Babkoff, H., & Ben-Uriah, Y. (1983). Lexical decision time as a function of visual field and stimulus probability. Cortex, 19, 13-30.
Caspy, T. & Babkoff, H. (1983). Early prolonged light-deprivation in hooded rats: Deficits in two visual discrimination paradigms. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1, 83-89.
Algom, D. & Babkoff, H. (1984). Theories of auditory temporal integration: Some implications of current research. In W. D. Neff (Ed.), Contribution to Sensory Physiology (Vol. 8, pp. 131-159). New York: Academic Press.
Brandeis, R. & Babkoff, H. (1984). Sorting of hemifield presented temporal and spatial stimuli. Cortex, 20, 179-192.
Babkoff, H., Pratt, H. & Kempinski, D. (1984). Auditory brainstem evoked potential latency-intensity functions: A corrective algorithm. Hearing Research, 16, 243-249.
Brandeis, R. & Babkoff, H. (1985). Individual use of judgmental dimensions and hemispheric specificity. Cortex, 21, 327-357.
Babkoff, H., Genser, S. & Hegge, F. W. (1985). Lexical decision, parafoveal eccentricity and visual hemifield. Cortex, 21, 581-593.
Babkoff, H., Thorne, D. R., Sing, H. C., Genser, S. G., Taube, S. L. & Hegge, F. W. (1985). Dynamic changes in work/rest duty cycles in a study of sleep deprivation. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 17, 604-613.
Babkoff, H., Genser, S. G., Sing, H. C., Thorne. D. R. & Hegge, F. W. (1985). The effects of progressive sleep loss on the lexical decision task: Response lapses and response accuracy. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 17, 614-622.
Sing, H., Thorne, D. R., Hegge, F. W. & Babkoff, H. (1985). Trend and rhythm analysis of time-series data using complex demodulation. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 17, 623-629.
Babkoff, H. & Faust, M. (1988). Lexical decision and visual hemifield: An examination of the RT-accuracy relationship. Neuropsychologia, 26, 711-725.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M., Caspy, T., Kempinski, D. & Sing, H. C. (1988). The topology of performance curves during 72 hours of sleep loss: A memory and search task. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Section A: Human Experimental Psychology, 40, 737-756.
Babkoff, H., Sing, H. C., Thorne, D. R., Genser, S. G. & Hegge, F. W. (1989). Perceptual distortions and hallucinations reported during the course of sleep deprivation. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 68, 787-798.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M., Caspy, T., Carasso, R. L. & Sing, H. C. (1989). The implications of sleep loss for circadian performance accuracy. Work and Stress, 3, 3-14.
Mikulincer, M., Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. & Sing, H. C. (1989). The effects of 72 hours of sleep loss on psychological variables. British Journal of Psychology, 80, 145-162.
Mikulincer, M., Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. & Weiss, H. (1990). The impact of cognitive interference on performance during prolonged sleep loss. Psychological Research, 52, 80-86.
Babkoff, H., Kelly, T. L., Matteson, L. T., Gomez, S., Hauser, S. & Naitoh, P. (1990). The effect of methylphenidate and pemoline on a four-choice RT task during 64 hours of sleep deprivation. Sleep, ‘90, 59-66.
Babkoff, H., Caspy. T., Mikulincer, M. & Sing, H. C. (1991). Monotonic and rhythmic influences: A challenge for sleep deprivation research. Psychological Bulletin, 109, 411-428.
Babkoff, H. Caspy, T. & Mikulincer M. (1991). Subjective sleepiness ratings: The effects of sleep deprivation, circadian rhythmicity and cognitive performance. Sleep, 14, 534-541.
Naitoh, P., Kelly, T. L. & Babkoff, H. (1991). Napping stimulant and four-choice performance. In R. Broughton & R. Ogilvie (Eds.). Sleep, Arousal and Performance. Cambridge, MA: Birkhausen, Pp. 198-219.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M., Caspy., T. & Sing, H. C. Selected problems of analysis and interpretation of the effects of sleep deprivation on performance rhythms. (1992). In D. Friedman (Ed.). Experimental Psychopathology: A Tribute to Samuel Sutton. New York Academy of Sciences Press: New York.
Koslowsky, M., Babkoff, H. & Schwartz, D. (1992). Meta-analysis of the relationship between sleep deprivation and performance. Chronobiology International, 9,132-136.
Babkoff, H., Kelly, T. L., Matteson, L. T., Gomez, S. A., Lopez, A., Hauser, S., Naitoh, P. & Assmus, J. (1992). Pemoline and methylphenidate: Interaction with mood, sleepiness and cognitive performance during 64 hours of sleep deprivation. Military Psychology, 4, 235-265.
Babkoff, H. & Krueger, G. P. (1992). Use of stimulants to ameliorate the effect of sleep loss during sustained performance. Military Psychology, 4, 191-205.
Faust, M., Kravitz, S. & Babkoff, H. (1993). Hemisphericity and top-down processing of language. Brain and Language, 44, 1-18.
Faust, M., Kravitz, S. & Babkoff, H. (1993). Hemispheric specialization and reading habits: Evidence from lexical decision research with Hebrew words and sentences. Brain and Language, 44, 254-263.
Naitoh, P., Kelly, T. L. & Babkoff, H. (1993). Sleep inertia: Best time not to wake up? Chronobiology International, 10, 109-118.
Faust, M., Babkoff, H. & Kravitz, S. (1995). Linguistic processes in the two cerebral hemispheres: Implications for modularity vs. interactionism. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 17, 171-192.
Babkoff, H., Weller, A. & Lavidor, M. (1996). A comparison of prospective and retrospective assessments of sleep. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 49, 455-460.
Faust, M. & Babkoff, H. (1997). Script as a priming stimulus for lexical decision with visual hemifield stimulation. Brain and Language, 57, 423-437.
Babkoff, H., Faust, M. & Lavidor, M. (1997). Lexical decision, visual hemifield and angle of orientation. Neuropsychologia, 35, 487-495
Faust, M., Babkoff, H. and Avidor-Reiss, I. (2000). Sentence and word shape as co-primes for target words presented to the two visual hemispheres. Brain and Language,73, 50-61.
Lavidor, M., Babkoff, H. and Faust, M. (2001). Analysis of standard and non-standard visual word format in the two hemifields. Neuropsychologia, 39 (4), 430-439.
Babkoff, H., Kelly, T.L. and Naitoh, P. (2001). Trial-to-trial variance in choice reaction time as a measure of the effects of stimulants during sleep deprivation. Military Psychology, 13, 1-16.
Goldstein, A. and Babkoff, H. (2001). A comparison of upper-lower and right-left visual hemifield discrimination of word stimuli. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54, 1239-1259.
Babkoff, H., Muchnick, C., Ben-David, N., Furst, M., Even-Zohar, S. and Hildesheimer, M. (2002). Mapping lateralization of click trains in younger and older populations. Hearing Research, 165, 117-127.
Babkoff, H., French, J., Whitmore, J. and Sutherlin, R. (2002). Single dose bright light and/or caffeine effect on nocturnal performance. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 73, 341-350.
Kampf, M., Nachshon, I. and Babkoff, H. (2002). A serial test of the laterality of face recognition. Brain and Cognition, 50, 35-50.
Lavidor, M., Weller, A. and Babkoff, H. (2002). Multidimensional fatigue, somatic symptoms and depression. British Journal of Health Psychology, 7, 67-75.
Lavidor, M., Weller, A., & Babkoff, H. (2003). How sleep is related to fatigue. British Journal of Health Psychology, 8, 95-105.
Ben-Artzi, E., Fostick, L. and Babkoff, H. (2005). TOJ deficits in dyslexia: Evidence from diotic and dichotic stimuli differing spectrally and dichotic stimuli differing only by perceived location. Neuropsychologia, 43, 714-723.
Kampf, M., Nachshon, I. and Babkoff, H. (2005). Laterality in familiar face recognition: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Neuroscience, 115, 23-33.
Babkoff, H., Zukerman, G., Fostick, L. and Ben-Artzi, E. (2005). The effect of the diurnal rhythm and twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation on dichotic temporal order judgment (TOJ). Journal of Sleep Research, 14, 7-15.
Geal-Dor, M., Kamenir, Y. and Babkoff H. (2005). Event related potentials (ERP) and behavioral responses: Comparison of tonal stimuli to speech stimuli in phonological and semantic tasks. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 16, 139-155.
Geal-Dor, M., Goldstein, A., Kamenir, Y. and Babkoff, H. (2006). The effect of aging on event related potentials and behavioral responses: Comparison of tonal, phonologic and semantic targets. Clinical Neurophysiology , 117, 1974-1989.
Ben-Itzchak, E., Babkoff, H. and Faust, M. (2007). Event related potentials (ERP) and behavioral measurements of verbal stimulation of the visual fields. Cortex, 43, 511-523 .
Zukerman, G., Goldstein, A. and Babkoff, H. (2007). The effect of 24-40 hours of sleep deprivation on the P300 response to auditory target stimuli. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine ,78 (S1), B216-B223.
Babkoff, H., Goldstein, A. and Zukerman, G. (2008). Total sleep deprivation and cognitive performance: The case for multiple sources of variance. In David Lloyd and Ernest Rossi (Eds.) Ultradian Rhythms from Molecules to Mind: A New Vision of Life. Springer, Pp 343-389.
Catz, O., Kampf, M., Nachshon, I. And Babkoff, H. (2009). From theory to implementation: Building a multidimensional space for face recognition. Acta Psychologica, 131, 143-152.
Babkoff, H., Fostick, L., Zukerman, G. and Ben-Artzi, E. (2010). Short term sleep deprivation, language comprehension and auditory temporal resolution. In P.Fulke and S. Vaughan (Eds.) Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Effects and Treatment. Novascience Research Progress Series, Pp 305-329.
Fostick, L., Ben-Artzi, E. and Babkoff, H. (2011). Stimulus-onset-asynchrony as the main cue in temporal order judgment. Audiology Research 2011, 1:e6, 18-20.
Ben-Artzi, E., Babkoff, H. and Fostick, L. (2011). Auditory temporal process in the elderly. Audiology Research 2011, 1:e6, 21-23.
Catz, O., Kampf, M., Nachshon, I. and Babkoff, H. (2011). Recognition, classification and inversion of faces in the multidimensional space. In: T. Barbu (Ed) Face Recognition/Book 3, Intech
Armony-Sivan, R., Aviner, S., Cojacaru, l., Fytlovitch, S., Ben-Alon, D., Eliassy, A., Babkoff, H.., Lozoff, B. and Anteby, E. (2013). Prenatal maternal stress predicts cord- blood ferritin concentration. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 41(3); 259-265.
Babkoff, H. and Fostick, L. (2013). The role of tone duration in dichotic temporal order judgment. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 75 (4), 654-660.
Fostick, L. and Babkoff, H. (2013). Different response patterns between auditory spectral and spatial temporal order. Journal of Experimental Psychology [in press]
Fostick, L., Ben-Artzi, E., and Babkoff, H. (2013). Aging and speech perception: Beyond hearing threshold and cognitive ability. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 24, 175-183.
Fostick, L. and Babkoff, H. (2013). Temporal and non-temporal processes in the elderly. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 24, 191-199.
Babkoff, H. & Sutton, S. (1963). The effect of noise on dichotic temporal resolution. The Acoustical Society of America (A)
Babkoff, H. & Sharpless, S. K. (1968). ERG recovery as a function of the luminance and duration of the conditioning pulse. Eastern Psychological Association. (A)
Bruder, G. E., Babkoff, H. & Sutton, S. (1974). Reaction time measurement of monaural temporal interactions. Eastern Psychological Association, (A)
Bruder, G. E., Sutton, S., Babkoff, H., Gurland, G. J., Yozawitz, A. & Fleiss, J. L. (1975). Auditory preocessing of transient stimuli in psychiatric patients. Eastern Psychological Association. (A).
Babkoff, H. (1975). The effect of light deprivation on the adult cat electroretinogram. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Babkoff, H. & Gombosh, D. (1975). Monaural and binaural temporal integration of noise bursts. American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Kaniel, S. & Babkoff, H., (1975), Introversion/Extroversion, vigilance task and number of non-signals. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological Association Convention. Haifa, Israel.
Babkoff, H. (1976). Electrocutaneous psychophysical input-output functions and temporal integration. XXI International Congress of Psychology, Paris.
Babkoff, H. & Frommer, R. (1976). The effect of light deprivation on visual discrimination in adult rats. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Babkoff, H. (1977). Behavioral, anatomical and physiological aspects of sound location. 4th Symposium of the Ira Memorial Foundation for Development of Human Engineering in Israel. (Hebrew)
Babkoff, H. (1977). Review of Experimental approaches to psychopathology, M. L. Kietzman, S. Sutton & J. Zubin (Eds.). International Journal of Neuroscience, 8, 42-45.
Algom, D., Babkoff, H. & Izaks, M. (1977). Discriminability of equally detectable auditory stimuli. American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Babkoff, H. (1978). A comparion of psychiatric patients and normal controls on auditory integration. In symposium: Lateralized hemispheric function and psychopathology. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Babkoff, H. (1978). Monaural temporal discrimination of transients. American Psychological Association, Toronto, Candada.
Babkoff, H. & Algom D. (1979). Dichotic temporal sequences and tone frequency. American Psychological Association, New York.
Babkoff, H., Ben-Urieh, Y. & Elishar, S. (1979 ). Hemifield Stimulation and lexical discrimination time. American Psychological Association, New York.
Babkoff, H. (1979). Mechanisms of auditory space location. International Conference on the Neural and Developmental Bases of Spatial Orientation. Teachers College, Columbia University.
Babkoff, H. (1980). Lexical discrimination as a function of visual field and stimulus probability. XXII International Congress of Psychology. Symposium on asymmetry of the cerebral lobes. Leipzig.
Babkoff, H. & Sutton S. (1980). Stimulus integration and psychopathology. Society for Psychophysiological Research. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Babkoff, H. & Sutton S. (1980). The psychomotor response as a discriminator of auditory stimulus location. Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO.
Babkoff, H. & Caspy T. (1982). Early prolonged light deprivation in hooded rats: Two visual discrimination paradigms. International Organization of Psychophysiology, Montreal, Canada.
Brandeis, R. & Babkoff, H. (1982). Discrimination of temporal and spatial visual stimuli and hemispheric functional specificity. International Organization of Psychophysiology, Montreal, Canada.
Sing, H. C., Genser, S. G., Babkoff, H., Thorne, D. R. & Hegge, F. W. (1984). Complex demodulation—A technique for assessing periodic components in sequentially sampled data. Proceedings of the twenty-Ninth Conference on the Design of Experiments in Army Research Development and Testing. ARO Report 84-2.
Babkoff, H., Thorne, D. R., Sing, H. C., Genser, S. G., & Hegge, F. W. (1984). Technical Report #1. The effects of progressive sleep loss and work load on selected psychological and physiological measures: I. Task description and dynamic changes in duty cycle (time spent in task). Presented to Department of Behavioral Biology, WRAIR.
Babkoff, H., Genser, S. G., Sing, H. C., Hegge, F. W. & Thorne, D. R. (1985). Technical Report #2 The effects of progressive sleep loss and work load on selected psychological and physiological measures: II. Perceptual distortions and hallucinations. Presented to Department of Behavioral Biology, WRAIR.
Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. & Mikulincer, M. (1986). Sampling perceptual and cognitive performance during 72 hours of sleep deprivation. In: Symposium on the Effects of Sleep Loss and Workload in Psychological and Performance Variables. International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem.
Babkoff, H., Sing, H. C., Genser, S. G., Hegge, F. W. & Thorne, D. R. (1986). Are the cerebral hemispheres differentially sensitive to fatigue and sleep loss? In: Symposium on Hemispheric Asymmetry: Applied Aspects. International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem.
Ben-Uriah, Y., Yehuda, S., Youdim, M. B. H. & Babkoff, H. (1987). Circadian variations in rat motor activity in response to haloperidol, apomorphine and d-amphetamine. In: The 6th International Conference on Catecholamines, Jerusalem.
Ben-Uriah, Y., Youdim, M. B. H., Yehuda, S. & Babkoff, H. (1987). Circadian variations tin haloperidol-induced dopamine receptor supersensitivity. In: The 6th International Conference on Catecholomines, Jerusalem.
Ben-Uriah, Y., Youdim, M. B. H., Yehuda, S. & Babkoff, H. (1987). Circadian variation of d-amphetamine-induced motor activity in chronic haloperidol pretreated rats. In: The 6th International Conference on Catecholomines, Jerusalem.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M. & Caspy T. (Summer, 1988). The effects of 72 hours of sleep loss on psychological variables. In: The XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia.
Caspy, T., Babkoff, H. & Mikulincer, M. (Summer, 1988). Variations in diurnal fluctuations of performance under progressive sleep deprivation. In: Conference of Industrial Engineering and Management, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M. & Caspy T. (September, 1988). The effects of 72 hours of sleep loss on visual discrimination. In: 9th European Congress of Sleep Research, Jerusalem, Israel.
Mikulincer, M., Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. (September, 1988). Sleep loss, Circadian rhythms, and task difficulties: Logical reasoning. In: 9th European congress of Sleep Research, Jerusalem, Israel.
Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. & Mikulincer, M. (January, 1989). Sleep deprivation as a modifier of performance dircadian rhythm. In: Fourth International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in Time of War and Peace, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Mikulincer, M., Babkoff, H. & Caspy T. (1989). Cognitive functioning during 72 hours of sleep deprivation. In: Fourth International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in Time of War and Peace, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M. & Caspy, T. (1989). Sleep loss, diurnal effects and cognitive function. In: American Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Babkoff, H. (1989). Sleep deprivation and cognitive performance: Response lapses vs. accuracy and response times. Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Subgroups T6 on Sustained/Continuous Operations. Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Pensacol, FL., U.S.A.
Babkoff, H. (1989). Selected problems of analysis and interpretation of effects of sleep deprivation and circadian rhythms on performance. U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory Scientific Seminar. Fort Rucker, AL 36362, U.S.A.
Babkoff, H. (1989). Subjective sleepiness ratings: Effects of sleep deprivation circadian rhythmicity and cognitive performance. U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory Scientific Seminar. Fort Rucker Al 36362. U.S.A.
Babkoff, H., Kelly, T. L., Matteson, L., Gomez, S., Hauser, S., Lopez, A. & Naitoh, P. (1990). The effect of moderate doses of methylphenidate and pemoline on cognitive performance accuracy during 64 hours of sleep deprivation. Sleep Research, 1990, 19, 53.
Gomez, S. A., Kelly, T. L., Naitoh, P., Hauser, S. & Babkoff, H. (1990). Vital signs: Effects of methylphenidate and pemoline. Sleep Research, 1990, 19, 60.
Kelly, T. L., Babkoff, H., Matteson, L., Gomez, S. & Naitoh, P. (1990). The effect of moderate doses of methylphenidate and pemoline in the maintenance of performance speed during 64 hours of sleep deprivation. Sleep Research, 1990, 19, 67.
Matteson, L., Babkoff, H. & Kelly, T. L. (1990). The effectiveness of methylphenidate and pemoline in reducing sleep loss effects of objective and subjective sleepiness and mood. Sleep Research, 1990, 19, 75.
Babkoff, H., Mikulincer, M. & Caspy, T. (1990). Subjective sleepiness ratings: Interaction of sleep deprivation, circadian rhythmicity and cognitive performance. 10th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Strasbourg, France, May 1990.
Babkoff, H. (1990). The impact of a stimulant on cognitive performance during sleep deprivation. Discussion of papers presented: “Symposium on the use of stimulants to ameliorate the effects of sleep loss and sustained oprations”. American Psychological Association, Division 19, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1990.
Matteson, L., Kelly, T. L., Babkoff, H. & Naitoh, P. (1990). Methylphenidate and pemoline: Effects on sleepiness and mood during sleep deprivation. American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1990.
Gomez, S. A., Babkoff, H., Kelly, T. L., Hauser, S. & Naitoh, P. (1990). Vital signs during sleep deprivation: Effect of methylphenidate and pemoline. American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1990.
Naitoh, P., Kelly, T. L. & Babkoff, H. (1990). Napping, Stimulant and four choice performance. Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, California. Report No. 90-17.
Babkoff, H., Kelly, T. L. & Naitoh, P. (1991). Performing while sleepy: The effects of a stimulant on choice RT during sleep deparivaion. 20th International Conference on Chronobiology. Israel, June, 1991.
Koslowsky, M. & Babkoff, H. (1991). Meta-Analysis of the relationship between total sleep deprivation and performance. 20th International Conference on Chronobiology. Israel, June, 1991.
Naitoh, P., Kelly, T. L. & Babkoff, H. (1991). Sleep inertia: Time best not to wake up? 20th International Conference on Chronobiology, Israel. June, 1991.
Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. & Mikulincer, M. (1992). Body temperature and performance during 72 hours of sleep deprivation. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. August, 1992.
Babkoff, H. (1993). Sleep deprivation, body temperature and cognitive performance. European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Elsinore, Denmark. September 11-15, 1993.
Babkoff, H., Faust, M. & Lavidor, M. (1996). Visual hemifield, orientation angle and lexical decision. XXVI International Congress of Psychology. Montreal, Quebec, August, 1996.
Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. & Margolit, O. (1996). Body temperature and sleepiness during long term sleep deprivation. XXVI International Congress of Psychology. Montreal, Quebec, August.
Babkoff, H., Ben-David, N. & Muchnik, C. (1996). Changes in the lateralization of clicks due to ageing. Israeli Society for Auditory Research. Tel-Aviv, October.
Lavidor, M., Libman, E., Babkoff, H., Creti, A., Weller, A., Amsel, R., Brender, C. S. & Fichten, C. S. (1996). Psychologically laden sleep parameters in ageing. Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. November.
Lavidor, M., Fichten, C.S., Babkoff, H., Laurer, C., Weller, A., Amsel, R., Brender, W., Bailes, S. and Libman, E. (1997). Sleep and Aging. Fifth European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, July.
Lavidor, M., Libman, E., Babkoff, H., Weller, A. and Fichten, C. (1998). Good and poor sleepers in an aged population. Associated Professional Sleep Societies, New Orleans, June 18-23.
Goldstein, A. and Babkoff, H. (1998). Word discrimination in the upper and lower hemifields. Psychonomic Society, Dallas, Texas, November 19-22, 1998.
Babkoff, H., French, J., Whitmore, J. and Sutherlin, R. (1999). The effect of one hour exposure to bright light and caffeine on vital signs during subsequent shift-work schedules. Aerospace Medicine Society, Detroit, May 16-18, 1999.
Babkoff, H., Caspy, T. and Fine, S. (1999). RT performance instability during 72 hours of sleep deprivation. American Sleep Disorders Association, Orlando, Florida, June 19-24, 1999.
Lavidor, M. and Babkoff, H. (1999). Complainers vs non-complainers of insomnia in normal population: Utilization of the behavioral model. American Sleep Disorders Association, Orlando, Florida, June 19-24, 1999.
Babkoff, H. and Azulai, R. (2000). Ratings of fatigue may be differentiated from ratings of subjective sleepiness. XXVII International Congress of Psychology. Stockholm, Sweden, July 23-28, 2000.
Babkoff, H., Ben-Artzi, E. and Fostick, L. (2000). Dichotic temporal order judgments in dyslexic and nondyslexic adults. Psychonomic Society 41st Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Ben-Artzi, E., Babkoff, H. and Fostick, L. (2001). TOJ deficits in Dyslexia: Evidence from stimuli differing only by location. Poster at American Psychological Society. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Ben-Artzi, E., Babkoff, H. and Fostick, L. (2001). Auditory temporal-order deficits in adults with dyslexia: Relationships with reading levels. Poster at American Psychological Society. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Babkoff, H., Ben-Artzi, E. , Fostick, L. (2001). Stimulus onset-to-onset time determines the dichotic temporal order threshold. Psychonomic Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl.
Ben-Artzi, E., Babkoff, H., Fostick, L. (2001). Relationships between reading levels and temporal order processing: Support for the general deficit hypothesis for dyslexia. Psychonomic Society 42nd Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl.
Fostick, L, Ben-Artzi, E. and Babkoff, H. (2003). Processing speed of temporal order judgment in adult dyslexics. European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Granada, Spain.
Ben-Artzi, E., Babkoff, H. and Fostick, L. (2003). Different processes underlying dichotic and spectral TOJs: Evidence with SOAs. Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC.
Zuckerman, G., Babkoff, H. and Goldstein, A. (2004). The effect of sleep deprivation and the diurnal rhythm on event related potentials (ERP). 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Halkidiki, Greece.
Fostick, L., Ben-Artzi, E. and Babkoff, H. (2005). Age and temporal processing predicts speech comprehension ability. American Psychological Society meeting, Los-Angeles, California.
Babkoff, H., Fostick, L., Bar-El, S. and Ben-Artzi, E. (2005). Temporal processing predicts phonological ability in dyslexic and non dyslexic adults. American Psychological Society, Los-Angeles, California.
Aubrey, J., Hasher, L., Smith, C., Winocur, G., Turcotte, J., Goldstein, A. and Babkoff, H. (2005). Frontal associated and non frontal associated cognitive tasks are affected differently by circadian rhythm and by sleep deprivation. Canadian Society for Brain Behavior and Cognitive Science. Montreal, Quebec.
Grossman, E. and Babkoff, H. (2005). Recovery from sleep inertia in young adults. Focus on Respiratory Care and Sleep Medicine Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Babkoff, H., Fostick, L. and Ben-Artzi, E. (2007). Auditory discrimination in the temporal versus the non-temporal domain: The effect of aging (Lecture). Experimental Psychology and Psychonomic Societies meeting. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 4-7.
Fostick, L., Ben-Artzi, E. and Babkoff, H. (2007). Aging and speech comprehension (Poster). Experimental Psychology and Psychonomic Society meetings. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 4-7.
Fostick,L., Bar-El, S., Ben-Artzi, E., Babkoff,H. (2008). The pattern of auditory deficit in adult dyslexic readers. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin.
Fostick,L., Ben-Artzi, E., and Babkoff,H. (2008). A comparison of auditory temporal order judgments in young-normal, young-dyslexic and elderly normal readers. . XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin.
Fostick,L., Ben-Artzi, E.,and Babkoff,H. (2010). Stimulus-onset-asynchrony (SOA) as the main cue in temporal order judgments (TOJ). Adult Hearing Screening (AHS) Conference, Lake Come, Italy, June 2010.
Ben-Artzi, E.,Fostick, L., and Babkoff,H. (2010). Auditory temporal processing in the elderly. Adult Hearing Screening (AHS) Conference, Lake Come, Italy, June 2010.
Fostick,L., Zuckerman, G. and, Babkoff,H. (2010). Auditory temporal deficit among the elderly: Sleep deprivation as a model for aging. Adult Hearing Screening (AHS) Conference, Lake Come, Italy, June 2010.
Grossman, E.S. and Babkoff, H. (2010). Sleep deprivation and the elderly. Twentieth Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Lisbon, Portugal. September, 2010.
Grossman, E.S. and Babkoff, H. (2010). Sleep inertia field study-Sleep inertia in a home setting. Twentieth Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Lisbon, Portugal. September, 2010.
Fostick, L. and Babkoff,H. (2010). The perceptual cues for processing temporal order of tones differing by frequency or spatially (ear). Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, Vol.15 (St. Louis, Mo., November, 2010).
Armony-Sivan, R., Aviner, S., Cojacaru, L., Babkoff, H., Fytlovich, S., Ben-Alon, D. and Anteby, E. Maternal stress during pregnancy and cord ferritin concentrations. European Society for Paediatric Research, Newcastle, U.K. October 17, 2011.
Ben-Artzi, E., Grossman, E. and Babkoff, H. (2011). Age and short term sleep deprivation. Psychonomic Society meeting, Seattle, Washington, Nov. 2011.
Armony-Sivan, R., Galanti, A., Elijah, J., Elazar, A., Erel, H. and Babkoff, H. (2011). Lexical decision of abstract emotional Hebrew words in young adults. Psychonomic Society meeting, Seattle, Washington. November, 2011.
Fostick, L. and Babkoff, H. (2011). Deficit in phonological awareness among healthy aging adults. Psychonomic Society meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2011
Grossman, E. and Babkoff, H. (2012). Showers close to bedtime improve subjectively and objectively measured sleep parameters. European Sleep Research Society meeting, Paris, France, September, 2012.
Fostick, L. and Babkoff, H. (2012). Tone duration and inter-stimulus interval have equal effect on dichotic temporal order judgment. Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM), Mineapolis, November 2012.
Fostick, L. and Babkoff, H. Individual differences in auditory spectral temporal order judgments (TOJ) . Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting-Toronto, Canada-November 14, 2013. APCAM 2013
תחומי מחקר
Research and Teaching Experience
Research Areas:
General sensory psychology, auditory psychophysics; binaural interaction of dichotic stimuli; studies of auditory masking of short duration stimuli; temporal discrimination; tactile psychophysics with electrocutaneous stimuli; ERG studies of monocularly light deprived animals; brain-language mechanisms; sleep deprivation; sleep disturbances and fatigue.
Brain and Language: We continue to study the relation between hemisphericity and written and spoken language . We have used a variety of language paradigms with visual and auditory with visual hemifield stimulation by word and non-word stimuli to help elucidate brain-language mechanisms. We are presently studying brain event related potentials (ERP) to spoken language and comparing the responses to tonal stimuli. Behavioral and EEG data are recorded. The latter are recorded from an array of scalp electrodes to test various models of hemisphere dominance for processing verbal material. The effects of aging on ERP recordings to tonal and language stimuli in phonological and semantic tasks is presently underway.
Sleep deprivation, shift work and performance: Ther are several ongoing studies in the lab on sleep deprivation, sleep disruption, sleep inertia and night work schedules. We are presently studying the interaction of sleep deprivation and the circadian rhythm on a variety of perceptual and cognitive functions by behavioral and EEG measures. The emphasis is on the hypothesis that the pre-frontal lobes are especially sensitive to sleep loss. Another study examines the time course of recovery from sleep inertia and the brain mechanisms involved. The latter study also examines the effect of aging on sleep inertia.
Aging and the auditory system: Recently we published a study on the effects of aging on sound lateralization in the horizontal plane. We have extended the research on aging and the auditory system to include experiments on time resolution and temporal order judgments in an effort to ascertain whether aging is associated with a general reduction in sensitivity for all auditory stimulus parameters or whether there are certain stimulus parameters that are especially sensitive to the aging process. Initial work in this lab and in others seem to indicate that the temporal domain is more sensitive to aging than to other stimulus parameters.
Teaching Undergraduate:
General Introductory Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Sensation and Perception
Advanced Experimental Methodology
Advanced Experimental Tutorial
Advanced Topics in Hearing and Vision
Sleep, Sleepiness and Performance
Brain and Language
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 26/02/2020