קורות חיים
Year Degree Institution
1966 B.A. Psychology Bar-Ilan University
1970 M.A Social Bar-Ilan University
and Industrial/
Organizational Psychology
1975 Ph.D Social Bar-Ilan University
and Industrial/
Organizational Psychology
M.A. Thesis (1970): Perception as a function of the attitude toward the person perceived (Hebrew). Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Bar-Ilan University.
SUPERVISOR: Dr. Mordechai Eran
DR. (Ph.D.) Dissertation (1975): The influence of burden and diffusion of responsibility on decision-making under conditions of social interdependency (Hebrew). Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Bar-Ilan University.
SUPERVISORS: Prof. Issac Lewin, and Dr. Yeuda Ben Meir.
Membership in Professional Societies
1970 – Israeli Psychological Association
1982 – American Psychological Association (APA) - Foreign Affiliate
1985 – Academy of Management
1986 - International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
1988 – The Israeli Association for Organization Development (IPPA)
2004- SIOP – The Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists (APA)
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Academy of Management Review
Group & Organization Management
Human Relations
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Managerial Psychology
SIOP conference
Academy of Management conference
German – Israeli foundation
Israel Science Foundation
Administrative and Professional Roles
1979-1981 Coordinator of Social-Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program, Department
of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.
1980-1983 Representative of Bar-Ilan University in the Professional Committee of the
Testing and Evaluation Center.
1980-1983 Representative of Bar-Ilan University in the committee for developing entrance
tests for graduate studies in Psychology ("Michael").
1989-1992 Head, Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University
1995- to Date Head of the library committee, Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.
2004 -to Date Member of the executive committee of Israeli Excellence in HRM Prize.
2005-2007 Member of the university student admittance committee.
2004-to Date Member of several committees of the Israeli Higher Education Council (MALAG).
- 2007-2008 Member of the Doctoral Committee at the Social Science Dean Office
2008 - Member of the Doctoral Committee, Department of Psychology.
Introduction to Psychology
Personnel Testing
Social Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Seminar – The psychology of money
Research Practicum – Decision making.
M. A.
Seminar: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Organizational Diagnosis
Personnel Testing
Performance Appraisal
The Psychology of Money.
Human Resources Management (Tafnit –Open University)
Social Psychology (at Colorado State University)
General topics in psychology (at Bar-Ilan)
Public Activities
1981-1984 Israeli Psychological Association - member of Social and Industrial section committee.
1988 Chair – The first Department of Psychology Convention.
1994-1998 Ministry of Transportation - member of a consulting board on new driver training.
1994-2000 Ministry of Defense - executive board member of the "Beit Marguza Rehabilitation Center."
1995-2000 Israeli Assoc. of Organization development - chair of membership committee, member of executive board
2000 –2008 Israeli Psychological Council - member of the I/O committee.
2003 –to Date Israeli Assoc. of Organization Development (IPPA) - membership committee member.
2009- Member of training committee - IPPA
2005- to Date Developing simulation center for human resource management training and research (with the laboratory of information in human resources – at the school of business administration, Bar-Ilan University).
2005-to Date Developing computerized test for diagnosing difficulty in adjusting to changes (with Noa Sinai).
1985- to date Development of Assessment Centers and testing devices for various organizations
1. Fox, S. (1975). Promotion according to achievements. Organization and Administration, 134, 44-50. (Hebrew).
2. Fox, S. (1976). Intelligence and knowledge of arithmetic: A comparison between Russian immigrants and veteran Israelis. Megamot, Behavioral Science Quarterly, 22, 288-298. (Hebrew).
3. Fox, S. (1976). Analysis of the individualistic, competitive, and cooperative motives in non-zero-sum games. Psychological Reports, 39, 55-61.
4. Fox, S. (1979). Workers' apprehensions due to plant relocation. Psychological Reports, 45, 327-332.
5. Fox, S. (1980). Situational determinants in affiliation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 303-307.
6. Krausz, M., & Fox, S. (1981). Needed: Excellent engineer, not mediocre managers. Personnel, Jan-Feb, 50-54.
7. Fox, S. (1981). Birth order, gender, and affiliation in various situations. Social Behavior and Personality, 9, 97-100.
8. Krausz, M., & Fox, S. (1981). Two dimensions of realistic previews and their impact upon initial expectations, expectation fulfillment, satisfaction, and intention to quit. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 2, 211-216.
9. Fox, S., Haboucha, S., & Dinur, Y. (1981). The predictive validity of the 16PF against three independent criteria of military performance. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 41, 515- 521.
10. Fox, S., & Krausz, M. (1982). An extension of the realistic preview concept to various career transitions. Higher Education, 11, 147-154.
11. Fox, S., & Krausz, M. (1983). A diagnosis of organizational diagnosis. Psychological Documents, 13, 15.
12. Fox, S., Bizman, A., & Herrmann, E. (1983). The halo effect: Is it a unitary concept? Journal of Occupational Psychology, 56, 289-296.
13. Bizman, A. & Fox, S. (1984). Managers' perception of the stability of workers' positive and negative behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69, 40-44.
14. Fox, S. (1984). The sociability aspect of extraversion as a situation-specific dimension. Social Behavior and Personality, 12, 7-10.
15. Fox, S. (1985). Situational influences on the desirability of different objects of affiliation. Current Psychological Research and Reviews, 4, 28-34.
16. Avni, A., Kipper, D.A., & Fox, S. (1987). Personality and leisure activities: An illustration with chess players. Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 715-719.
17. Fox, S. & Krausz, M. (1987). Correlates of relocation intention and emotional responses to an Israeli plant relocation. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 8, 325-338.
18. Fox, S. & Feldman, G. (1988). Attention states and critical psychological states as mediators between job dimensions and job outcomes. Human Relations, 41, 229-245.
19. Fox, S. & Bizman, A. (1988). Differential dimensions employed in rating subordinates, peers, and superiors. Journal of Psychology, 122, 373-382.
20. Fox, S., & Arnon, I. (1988). Motion sickness and anxiety. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 59, 728-733.
21. Fox, S., & Dinur, Y. (1988). Validity of self-assessment: A field evaluation. Personnel Psychology, 41, 581-592.
22. Fox, S., Bizman, A., & Hoffman, M. (1989). The halo effect: It really isn't unitary. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 62, 183-188.
23. Fox, S., & Dinur. Y. (1989). Computerized testing: The state of the art. Megamot, Behavioral Science Quarterly, 32, 197-217. (Hebrew).
24. Fox, S., Ben-Nahum, Z., & Yinon, Y. (1989). Perceived similarity and accuracy of peer ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 781-786.
25. Krausz, M., & Fox, S. (1989). Plant relocation: An integration of survey findings and a conceptual analysis. Journal of Organizational Change management, 2, 61-71.
26. Fox, S. (1990). Development stages in the process of adaptation to change. Organization Development in Israel, 2, 10-17. (Hebrew).
27. Fox, S. & Thornton G.C. III. (1993). Implicit Distribution Theory: The Influence of Schematic perception of differentiation on actual ratings. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76, 259-276.
28. Fox, S., Caspy, T., & Reisler, A. (1994). Variables affecting leniency, halo, and validity of self-appraisal. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 67, 45-56.
29. Yinon, Y., Mayraz, A., & Fox, S. (1994). Age and false-consensus effect. Journal of Social Psychology, 134, 717-725.
30. Fox, S., Levonai-Hazak, S., & Hoffman, M. (1995). The role of biodata and intelligence in the predictive validity of assessment centers. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 3, 20-29.
31. Fox, S., Bizman, A., Hoffman, M., & Oren, L. (1995). The impact of variability in candidate profiles on rater confidence and judgments regarding stability and job suitability. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 68, 13-23.
32. Krausz, M., Brandvein, T., & Fox, S. (1995). Work attitudes and emotional responses of permanent, voluntary, and involuntary temporary-help employees: An exploratory study. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 44, 217-232.
33. Fox, S., Schmida, A., & Yinon, Y. (1995). Escalation behavior in domains related and unrelated to decision-makers' academic backgrounds. Journal of Business and Psychology, 10, 245-259.
34. Hamburger, Y.A., & Fox, S. (2000). Virtual business organizations on the internet: A new organizational model. Megamot, Behavioral Science Quarterly, 40, 512-530. (Hebrew).
35. Fox, S., & Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2001). The power of emotional appeals in promoting organizational change programs. Academy of Management Executive, 15 (4), 84-94.
36. Fox, S., & Hoffman, M. (2002). Escalation behavior as a specific case of goal directed activity: A persistence paradigm. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 24, 273-285.
37. Fox, S., & Schwartz, D. (2002). Social desirability and controllability: Their effects on criterion-related validity in computerized and paper and pencil personality questionnaires. Computers in Human Behavior, 18, 389-410.
38. Krausz, M., Bizman, A., & Fox, S. (2002). Factors affecting post-relocation adaptation in a case of entire plant relocation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17 (2), 80-94.
39. Amichai-Hamburger, Y., Wainapel, G., & Fox, S. (2002). "On the internet no one knows I'm an introvert": Extroversion, neuroticism, and internet interaction. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 5, 125-128.
40. Dayan, K., Kasten, R. & Fox, S. (2002). Entry-level police candidate assessment center: An efficient tool or hammer to kill a fly? Personnel Psychology, 55, 827-849.
41. Fox, S., & Dayan, K. (2004) Framing and risky choice as influenced by comparison of one's achievements with others: The case of investment in the stock exchange. Journal of Business and Psychology, 18, 301-321.
42. Byrne, Z. S., Jueller-Hanson, R. A., Cardador, J, M., Thornton, G. C., Schuler, H., Frintrup, A., & Fox, S. (2004). Measuring achievement motivation: Tests of equivalency for English, German, and Israeli versions of the Achievement Motivation Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 37, 203-217.
43. Fox, S., Bizman, A., & Garti, A. (2005). Is distributional assessment more effective than the standard performance appraisal method? European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 21, 165-172.
44. Fox, S., & Leshem L. (2005). Displeasure from disclosing information on financial matters to different categories of others. Megamot. 44, 163 – 178. (Hebrew).
45. Fox, S., & Elraz-Shapira, Y. (2005). Perception of group variability and its relationship to dispositional and situational need for closure. Current Psychology, 24 (4), 218-230.
46. Dayan, K., Fox, S., & Kasten, R. (2008). The preliminary employment interview as a predictor of assessment center outcomes. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16 (2), 102-111.
47. Fox, S., Bizman, A., & Huberman, O. ( 2009). Escalation of Commitment: The effect of number and attractiveness structure of available investment alternatives. Journal of Business and Psychology, 24 (4), 431-439.
48. Ben Shalom U., & Fox, S. (2009). Military psychology in the IDF: A perspective of continuity and change. Armed Forces & Society, 36, 103-119.
49. Fox, S., & Haboucha, S. (2011). Assessment centers in Israel: Some practices and perspectives. In N. Povah, & G. C. Thornton III (Eds.), Assessment Centres and global talent management (pp. 453-469). UK: Gower.
50. Dayan, K., Fox., & Morag, M. (2013 in press). Validation of spouses violence risk assessment inventory for police purposes. Journal of Family Violence. DOI 10.1007/s 10896-013-95474.
51. Falk, A., & Fox, S. (2013, in press).
Gender and ethnic compositions and their relationship to success in assessment centers. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
Fox, S. (1989). A Book Review: "An anatomy of management disease" by Reuven Shapira, Tel-Aviv: Am-Oved, Ofakim. Megamot, Behavioral Science Quarterly, 32, 415-418. (Hebrew).
Fox, S. ( 2013). Rerview of the book: Samuel Y. (2010) .Organizational Pathology : The life and death of organizations Megamot, Behavioral Science Quarterly, 49. 192-195. (Hebrew).
Fox, S. (1998). The Psychology of Resistance to Change. Bar-Ilan University Press. (Hebrew) (284 pages).
FROM 2000
Fox, S. (2011). The interrelationship between academic and the field practice. Presented at the meeting of senior psychologists of the Israeli Psychological Association., Tel Aviv, Israel.
Fox, S. (2011). Cognitive biases. Presented at a conference of the Israeli Association of Organizational Development, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Fox, S. (2006). The interrelationship between academic and the field practice. Paper presented at the meeting of the Israeli Association of Organizational Development, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Ben-Shalom, U., & Fox, S. (2006). Military Psychology in the IDF: A perspective of continuity and change. APA Div 21, Div 19, & HFES Potomac Chapter Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Fox, S. (2005). New developments in the assessment center method. Paper presented at a convention arranged by the IDF Department of Behavioral Sciences,Yehud, Israel.
Fox, S. (2004). Postmodernism and organizational development. Paper presented at the meeting of the Israeli Association of Organizational Development, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Ben-Shalom, U., & Fox, S. (2004). Military psychologists in the IDF: A perspective of continuity and change. Paper presented at the Inter-University Seminar of Armed Forces and Society, Toronto, Canada.
Fox, S. (2004). Typical and maximal performance measures. Paper presented at a meeting of IDF psychologists, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
Fox, S. (2004). Postmodernism and organizational psychology. Paper presented at a meeting of IDF organizational psychologists, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Fox, S. (2004). Introducing organizational changes. Workshop presented to the general managers of Israeli ministries, Jerusalem, Israel.
Fox, S. (2004). Resistance to change: Is it so common? Paper presented at a conference in memory of Prof. Rami Sagie, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Fox, S. (2004). Dilemmas and challenges in psychological testing. Paper presented at a meeting of IDF psychologists, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
Fox, S. (2003). A model of resistance to organizational change. Invited address to the faculty and graduate students of the Department of Psychology, North Texas University, Denton, Texas.
Fox, S. (2003). New approaches to performance appraisal. Paper presented at a conference of human resource managers, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Fox, S. (2003). Escalation of commitment and the banking system. Paper presented at a conference of Israeli bank managers, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Fox, S. (2003). Organizational justice in testing procedures. Paper presented at a convention of military psychologists, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
Fox, S. (2003). New perspectives of human resource management. Paper presented at a meeting of the IDF Manpower Division, Netanya, Israel.
Fox, S. (2002). Resistance to change in the educational system. Keynote speaker at the conference of the Association of Nursery Teachers, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Fox, S. (2002). Resistance to change in the educational system. Paper presented at a meeting of the Teachers Association of Northern Israel. Nahariya, Israel.
Fox, S. (2001). Resistance to organizational change: Applications to the change prospects of academic libraries. Keynote speaker at the conference of the Israeli Librarian Association, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Fox, S. (2001). A model of resistance to change. Paper presented to the faculty and graduate students of CSU, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Fox, S, (2001). Introducing organizational changes. Invited workshop to Ministry of Health managers, Jerusalem, Israel.
Fox, S. (2001). Introducing and distributing innovations. Paper presented at a convention of Israeli high-tech organizations, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Fox, S. (2001). New approaches in performance appraisal. Paper presented at a conference of the Israeli Management Center (MIL), Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Fox, S. (2000). Resistance to organizational change. A workshop presented at a meeting of the Israeli Psychological Association, Zichron Yaakov, Israel.
Fox, S. (2000). Resistance to change in the educational system. Paper presented at a meeting arranged by the Ministry of Education, Jerusalem, Israel.
Fox, S. (2000). Introducing changes in the educational system. A workshop conducted at a meeting of heads of Jewish studies schools abroad, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
Fox, S. (2000). New performance appraisal methods. A symposium presented at a meeting of Israeli Bank managers, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Research Fields
1. Organizational Change, Resistance to Organizational Change
2. Decision Making and Heuristics (Escalation, Sunk costs, the Effort heuristic)
3. Performance Appraisal and Social Perception
4. Personnel Selection and Classification (Particularly – psychological tests and assessment center technique).
5. Psychology of Money
1986 The Fridrich Forderungsstung foundation, West Germany $50000
2002 Fox and Hamburger article in the Academy of Management Executive was nominated one of the three best papers published in the journal at that year.
2009 Bar-Ilan award for excellence as a lecture.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 26/02/2020