פרופ' רחל לוי-שיף
קורות חיים
1. Levy-Shiff, R. (1982). The effect of father absence on young children in mother-headed families. Child Development, 53, 1400-1405.
2. Levy-Shiff, R. (1983). Adaptation in urban and kibbutz children. Child Development, 54, 1606-1614.
3. Levy-Shiff, R., & Hoffman, M. A. (1985). Social behavior of urban and kibbutz preschool children in Israel. Developmental Psychology, 21, 1204-1205.
4. Levy-Shiff, R., & Hoffman, M. A. (1985). Social behavior of hearing-impaired and normally-hearing preschoolers. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 55, 111-118.
5. Levy-Shiff, R. (1986). Mother-father-child interactions in families with a mentally retarded young child. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 91, 141-149.
6. Levy-Shiff, R. (1986). Father’s involvement in stimulation of developmentally disabled young children: Implications for intervention programs. In D. Tamir, T. B. Brazelton, & A. Russel (Eds.), Stimulation and intervention in infant development (pp. 331-338). London: Freund.
7. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987). Fatherhood. Israeli Quarterly of Psychology, 3, 14-23.
8. Levy-Shiff, R., & Israelashvili, R. (1988). Antecedents of fathering: Some further exploration. Developmental Psychology, 24, 434-440.
9. Hoffman, M. A., Ushpiz, V., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1988). Social support and self-esteem in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 4, 307-316.
10. Levy-Shiff, R., Mogilner, M., & Sharir, H. (1989). Mother-father-preterm infant relationship in the preterm hospital nursery. Child Development, 60, 90-102.
11. Levy-Shiff, R., & Hoffman, M. A. (1989). Social behavior as a predictor of school adjustment in three-year-olds. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 18, 65-71.
12. Levy-Shiff, R., & Mogilner, M. (1989). Mothers’ and fathers’ interactions with their preterm infants during the initial period at home. Journal of Reproduction and Infant Psychology, 7, 25-37.
13. Levy-Shiff, R. (1990). Psychological aspects of adoption: A critical review of the literature. Psychology, 2, 68-76.
14. Levy-Shiff, R. (1990). The development of children’s aggressive behaviors in low-and middle-SES. Crime and Social Deviation, 18, 35-44.
15. Levy-Shiff, R., Kedem, P., & Sevillia, Z. (1990). Ego identity in mentally retarded adolescents. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 94, 541-549.
16. Levy-Shiff, R., Goldschmidt, I., & Har-Even, D. (1990). Transition to parenthood in adoptive families. Developmental Psychology, 27, 131-140.
17. Levy-Shiff, R., Bar, O., & Har-Even, D. (1990). Psychological profile of adoptive parents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 60, 258-267.
18. Levy-Shiff, R., Hoffman, M. A., Mogilner, S., Levinger, S., & Mogilner, M. (1990). Paternal visitation in the hospital nursery as predictor of later father-preterm infant interaction and infant development. Pediatrics, 86, 289-293.
19. Hoffman, M. A., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1992). Children’s vulnerability to stressful life events in mothers’ eyes: The effects of gender and parental experiences. Sex Roles, 27, 39-45.
20. Hoffman, M. A., Levy-Shiff, R. Sohlberg, S. C., & Zarizki, J. (1992). The impact of stress and coping: Developmental changes in the transition to adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 21, 451-470.
21. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992). Preadoption expectations, postadoption adjustment, and violated expectations in adoptive families. In C. W. Greenbaum & J. G. Auerbach (Eds.), Prospective studies in high-risk infants (pp. 233-243). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
22. Bat-Zion, N., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1993). Children in war: Stress and coping reactions under the threat of the Scud missile attacks and the effect of proximity. In L. A. Levitt & N. A. Fox (Eds.), Psychological effects of war and violence on children (pp. 143-162). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
23. Hoffman, M. A., Levy-Shiff, R., & Ushpiz, V. (1993). Moderating effect of social orientation on the impact of social support. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22, 23-31.
24. Rosenthal, K. M., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1993). Stress and coping reactions of infants and toddlers and their mothers to the threat of missile attacks during the Gulf War. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63, 241-254.
25. Levy-Shiff, R., Hoffman, M., & Rosenthal, M. (1993). Innocent bystanders: Young children in war. Infant Mental Health Journal, 14, 116-130.
26. Hoffman, M. A., Levy-Shiff, R., & Ushpiz, V. (1993). Gender differences in the relation between stressful life events and adjustment among school-age children. Sex Roles, 29, 441-445.
27. Bar-Tur, L., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1994). Holocaust review and bearing witness as a coping mechanism of an elderly Holocaust survivor. Clinical Gerontologist, 14, 5-16.
28. Hoffman, M., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1994). Coping and locus of control: Cross-generational transmission between mothers and adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 14, 391-405.
29. Levy-Shiff, R., Einat, G., Lerman, M., Mogilner, M., & Krikler, R. (1994). Biological and environmental correlates of developmental outcome of prematurely born infants in early adolescence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 19, 63-78.
30. Levy-Shiff, R., Einat, G., Har-Even, D., Lerman, M., Mogilner, M., & Krikler, R. (1994). Emotional and behavioral adjustment in preadolescents born prematurely with very low birth weight. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 23, 323-333.
31. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994). Individual and contextual correlates of marital change cross the transition to parenthood. Developmental Psychology, 30, 591-601. Also in The extended library individualized to education. CT: Dushkin Publishing Group.
32. Bar-Tur, L., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1994). Coping and adjustment of elderly Holocaust survivors. In T. L. Brink (Ed.), Holocaust survivors’ mental health (pp. 5-14). New York: Haworth.
33. Levy-Shiff, R., & Hoffman, M. A. (1994). Children’s vulnerability to stressful life events. In C. Bazerman (Ed.), The informed writer (5th ed., pp. 34-43). MA: Houghton Mifflin.
34. Shulman, S., Seiffge-Krenke, I., Levy-Shiff, R., Fabian, B., & Rotenberg, S. (1995). Peer group and family relationships in early adolescence. International Journal of Psychology, 5, 573-590.
35. Hoffman, M., Levy-Shiff, R., & Malinovsky, D. (1996). Stress and adjustment in the transition to adolescence: Moderating effects of neuroticism and extroversion. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 161-175.
36. Levy-Shiff, R., & Einat, G. (1996). The role of biological and environmental factors in predicting developmental outcome in premature children: Theoretical considerations, empirical findings, and implications for prevention and intervention. In J. Shonkoff & S. Harel (Eds.), Early childhood intervention and family support programs: Accomplishments and challenges (pp. 183-202). New York: Brooks.
37. Levy-Shiff, R., & Haneman, T. (1996). Psychological aspects of men’s coping with infertility: A review. In A. Ben-Zeev & S. Almog (Eds.), Exceptional pregnancy (pp. 91-114). Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad. (Hebrew)
38. Levy-Shiff, R., & Shulman, S. (1997). Families with a developmentally disabled child: Parent- child marital and family relations. In I. Dovdevani, M. Hovav, A., Rimmerman, & A. Ramot (Eds.), Parents and persons with developmental disabilities (pp. 15-34). Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press. (Hebrew)
39. Lewin, I., Levy-Shiff, R., Appelbaum, T., Komar, M., & Meiran, N. (1997). Maternal involvement in homework. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 18, 207-228.
40. Levy-Shiff, R., Zuran, N., & Shulman, S. (1997). International and domestic adoption: Child, parents, and family characteristics. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 20, 109-129.
41. Bar-Tur, L., Levy-Shiff, R., & Burns, A. (1997). Past traumatic losses and their impact on the well-being of elderly men. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 2, 379-395.
42. Vakil, E., Shelef-Reshef, E., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1997). Procedural and declarative memory processes: Individuals with and without mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 102, 147-160.
43. Levy-Shiff, R., Vakil, E., Abramovitz, M., Shahar, N., Dimitrovsky, L., Har-Even, D., Gross, S., Lerman, M., Levy, I., Sirota, L., & Fisch, B. (1998). Medical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcome in school-aged children conceived by in-vitro fertilization. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 27, 320-329.
44. Bar-Tur, L., Levy-Shiff, R., & Burns, A. (1998). Well-being in aging: Mental engagement in elderly men as a moderator of losses. Journal of Aging Studies, 12, 1-17.
45. Levy-Shiff, R., Dimitrovsky, L., Shulman, S., & Har-Even, D. (1998). Cognitive appraisals, coping strategies, and support resources as correlates of parenting and infant development. Developmental Psychology, 34, 1417-1427.
46. Shulman, S., Levy-Shiff, R., Kedem, P., & Alon, E. (1998). Intimate relationships and systemic perspectives. New Directions in Child Development, 78, 37-52.
47. Dimitrovsky, L., Spector, H., Levy-Shiff, R., & Vakil, E. (1998). Interpretation of facial expression of affect in learning-disabled children with verbal or nonverbal deficits. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31, 286-293.
48. Mikulincer, M., Horesh, N., Levy-Shiff, R., & Manovich, R. (1998). Adjustment to infertility: The intraindividual and intradyadic contribution of adult attachment style. British Journal of Medicine, 71, 265-280.
49. Lerman, M., Levy-Shiff, R., & Hod, M. (1998). Development of children born to diabetic mothers. Refuah, 134, 962-965. (Hebrew)
50. Levy-Shiff, R. (1999). Fathers’ cognitive appraisals, coping strategies and support resources as correlates of adjustment to parenthood. Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 554-567.
51. Dimitrovsky, L., Spector H., & Levy-Shiff, R. (2000). Stimulus gender and emotion difficulty level: Their effects on recognition of facial expression of affect in learning-disabled and normal children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 13, 410-416.
52. Levy-Shiff, R. (2000). Open adoption. Psychology, 8, 20-34. (Hebrew)
53. Bar-Tur, L., & Levy-Shiff, R. (2000). Coping with losses in old age. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 5, 263-281. Also in J. H. Harvey & B. G. Pauwels (Eds.), Post traumatic stress: Theory, research, and application. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.
54. Shulman, S., Levy-Shiff, R., & Scharf, M. (2000). Family relationships, leaving home, and adjustment to military service. Journal of Psychology, 134, 392-400.
55. Hod, M., Levy-Shiff, R., Lerman, M., Schindel, B., Bar, J., & Ben-Rafael, B. (2000). Developmental outcome of offspring of diabetic mothers. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12, 867-872.
56. Levy-Shiff, R. (2001). Psychological adjustment of adoptees in adulthood: Family environment and adoption-related correlates. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25, 97-104.
57. Dimitrovsky, L., Levy-Shiff, R., & Perl, G. (2001). Effect of gender-role orientation of
primiparous mothers on their cognitive appraisals, coping strategies, and mood postpartum.
Sex Roles, 43, 593-604.
58. Levy-Shiff, R., Lerman, M., Har-Even, D., & Hod, M. (2002). Maternal adjustment and infant
outcome in medically-defined high-risk pregnancy. Developmental Psychology, 38,
59. Dimitrovsky, L., Levy-Shiff, R.., & Schattner-Zanany , I. (2002). Dimensions of depression and perfectionism in pregnant and non-pregnant women: Their levels and interrelationships and their relationship to martial satisfaction. The Journal of psychology, 136(6), 631-646
60. Levy-Shiff, R., & Zoran, N. (submitted). Adoptive parenting.
1. Levy-Shiff, R. (1984, July). Differences in social behavior of hearing handicapped and nonhandicapped children. Presented at the First Annual Conference on Early Childhood Stimulation, Jerusalem.
2. Levy-Shiff, R. (1985, April). Development of children in one-parent-headed families. A keynote speech presented at the Symposium on Children Who Live in Disrupted Families, University of Haifa.
3. Levy-Shiff, R. (1986, April). Psychological aspects of women’s and men’s infertility. A keynote speech presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Family Planning Association, Tel-Aviv.
4. Levy-Shiff, R. (1986, April). The development of preterm infants: A follow-up study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Israel Pediatric Society, Netanya.
5. Levy-Shiff, R. (1986, May). Fathering. Invited address presented at the Symposium on Parenting, The Israel Association of Sociology and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
6. Levy-Shiff, R. (1986, June). Development of mother- and father-infant interactions in the ICU. Presented at the 8th World Congress of OMEP (World Organization for School Education), Jerusalem.
7. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, May). Fatherhood. A keynote speech delivered at the Symposium on the Role of the Father in Child Development, Seminar Hakibbutzim, Tel-Aviv.
8. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, June). Mothers’ and fathers’ coping with premature infants: Characteristics, determinants, and effects. Presented at the International Conference on Childbearing and Perinatal Care, Jerusalem.
9. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, June). Preterm infants and their families. Presented at the 21st Symposium on Preterm Infants (R. Levy-Shiff, Chair) at the Annual Meeting of the Israel Psychological Association, Tel-Aviv.
10. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, June). Preterm infants. Presented at Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot.
11. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, June). Fathering. Presented at the Child Development Unit, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University.
12. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, July). Longitudinal studies in child development: Theories, methodological issues and implications. Presented at the Child Development Unit, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
13. Levy-Shiff, R. (1987, October). One-parent families and child development. Invited address presented at the Seminar Hakibbutzim Symposium, Tel-Aviv.
14. Levy-Shiff, R. (1988, July). Longitudinal studies of infants at risk. Presented at the International Workshop on Longitudinal Studies of Infants Born at Psychological Risk: Cross-National Perspectives, Jerusalem.
15. Levy-Shiff, R. (1988, July). Transition to fatherhood: Individual differences. Presented at the First International Congress on Individual Differences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
16. Levy-Shiff, R. (1988, October). Psychological aspects of adoptive families. Presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Israeli Family and Marriage Psychotherapy Association, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
17. Levy-Shiff, R. (1989, March). The best interest of the child and parent’s rights. Presented at the Symposium at the School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
18. Levy-Shiff, R. (1989, May). Using LISREL with longitudinal data in child development. Presented at the First Israeli Conference on LISREL Applications in Social Research, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
19. Levy-Shiff, R. (1989, July). Transition to parenthood in adoptive families. Presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
20. Levy-Shiff, R. (1990, February). Adoptive parents and their children in a life-cycle perspective. Presented at the Kibbutz Symposium on Adoption, Tel-Aviv.
21. Levy-Shiff, R. (1990, March). Adoptive children in early childhood. Presented at the Symposium on Adoption, Department of Psychology, Hebrew University and Child Welfare Services, Jerusalem.
22. Levy-Shiff, R. (1990, August). Infant temperamental difficultness. Presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Stirling, Scotland.
23. Levy-Shiff, R. (1991, May). Israeli children’s ways of coping with the Gulf War. Presented at the Conference on the Effects of War and Violence on Children. Sponsored and supported by the National Institutes of Mental Health, the Center for Research on Mothers and Children NICHD, and MacArthur Foundation, Rockville, MD, USA.
24. Levy-Shiff, R. (1991, June). Children’s ways of coping with stressful life events: A critical review of the literature. Presented at the Israel Psychological Association and the Developmental Section, Kfar-Saba.
25. Levy-Shiff, R. (1991, July). Infant temperament difficultness. Presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
26. Levy-Shiff, R. (1991, July). Biological and environmental factors in determining cognitive development in school-aged children who were born prematurely with a very low birth weight (< 1500 g). Presented at the Third International Workshop on the At-Risk Infant, Tel-Aviv.
27. Levy-Shiff, R. (1991, July). The experience of the Israeli children during the Gulf War. Presented at the Third International Workshop on the At-Risk Infant, Tel-Aviv.
28. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, January). Children under the threat of the missile attacks. Presented at the SHEFI Workshop on Children in War, Tel-Aviv.
29. Levy-Shiff R. (1992, January). Long-term effects of prematurity: Cognitive development of VLBW infants in middle childhood. Presented at the Colloquium at Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot.
30. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, May). (with Mogilner, M., Mogilner, S., Rom, E., Katz, Z., & Einat, G.). Follow-up of extremely low birth weight infants. Presented at the Seventh Convention of Child Development Centers in Israel, Ashkelon.
31. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, June). Adoption revelation. Presented at a colloquium, Hakibbutz Ha’arzi, Tel-Aviv.
32. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, June). Borderline personality disorders in children: Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Presented at the Martin and Vivian Levin Center for the Normal and Psychological Development of the Child and Adolescent, Jerusalem.
33. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, September). Peer relations. Human Development. The Tel-Aviv Annual Workshop on Close Relations and Social Emotional Development, Tel-Aviv.
34. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, September). On children in war. Irving Harris Symposium on Prevention and Intervention -- The Effect of Violence on Infants and Young Children: International Perspective on Prevention. Presented at the Fifth World Congress on Infant Psychiatry and Applied Disciplines, Chicago, IL, USA.
35. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, November). Children in war: Theoretical issues and empirical findings. Presented at the International Symposium on Children in War, Defense for Children International, Jerusalem.
36. Levy-Shiff, R. (1992, December). The role of biological and environmental factors in predicting long-term developmental outcome. Presented at the First Eilat International Symposium of Pediatric Developmental Sciences -- Early Childhood Intervention and Family Support Programs: Accomplishments and Challenges, Eilat.
37. Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, February). The role of biological and environmental factors in predicting long-term developmental outcome. Presented at the Child Development Center, Tel-Hashomer Hospital, Ramat-Gan.
38. Lewin, I., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, February). Maternal involvement in children’s homework. Presented at the Israel Association for Research in Education, Haifa.
39. Lewin, I., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, July). Maternal factors and child’s factors in maternal participation in children’s homework. Presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
40. Lewin, I., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, August). Maternal and child’s factors in maternal participation in children’s homework. Presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, 5th Conference, Aix en Provence, France.
41. Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, October). Adoptive families and adoptive children. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat-Gan.
42. Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, October). Fathers and infants. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat-Gan.
43. Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, October). Biological and environmental factors in determining developmental pathology. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat-Gan.
44. Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, October). Children in war. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Israel Psychological Association, Ramat-Gan.
45. Levy-Shiff, R. (1993, November). High-risk pregnancies: The effects of the biological and environmental factors on children’s development. Presented at the Martin and Vivian Levin Center for the Normal and Psychopathological Development of the Child and Adolescent, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
46. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994, March). The “difficult” child: Diagnosis, intervention, and developmental prognosis. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Institutes of Child Development, Tel-Aviv.
47. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994, April). New perspectives on fatherhood. Presented at the School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
48. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994, May). High-risk pregnancy: Maternal stress and coping and infant development. Presented at the International Society for Infant Studies, Paris, France.
49. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994, June). Long-term effects of adoption. Presented at the International Conference -- The Family on the Threshold of the 21st Century: Trend and Implications, Jerusalem.
50. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994, July). Long-term developmental effects in children born at risk: Emotional and behavioral adjustment in preadolescence. Presented at the XIIIth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
51. Levy-Shiff, R. (1994, December). The family in times of change. Presented at the Symposium on The Family at the End of the 20th Century, Kibbutzim Seminar, Tel-Aviv.
52. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, February). Attachment and object relations psychoanalytic theories. Presented at the Symposium on Attachment and Object Relations Theory, Development and Treatment, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
53. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, March). Maternal surrogate and the best interest of the child. Presented at the Symposium on Fertilization by Donors, Jerusalem.
54. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, March). Psychological aspects of high-risk pregnancies. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Diabetes and Pregnancy in the 90’s, Jerusalem.
55. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, March/April). Social and emotional development of children in adoption: Cross-national perspectives. Presented at the Symposium on Adoption. Society of Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
56. Shulman, S., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, July). Friendship, adolescence, intimacy, and conflicts. Presented at the VIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Krakow, Poland.
57. Blum, I., Levy-Shiff, R., Vered, Y., Harsat, A., Graff, E., Harell, D., Lipa, R., Lerman, M., Noy, S., & Shibboleth, S. (1995, September). Psychological patterns of stress and coping, neurotransmitters, and weight reduction. Presented at the 13th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Jerusalem.
58. Levy-Shiff, R., Blum, I. R., Lerman, M., Noy, S., & Shibboleth, S. (1995, October). Psychological patterns of stress and coping, neurotransmitters, and weight reduction. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Israel Association of Psychology, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
59. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, October). High-risk pregnancy: Biological and environmental risks. Presented at the 25th Annual Convention of the Israel Association of Psychology, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
60. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, December). Empirical and psychotherapeutic issues in adoption. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Developmental Psychology Division of the Israel Psychological Association, Jerusalem, Israel.
61. Levy-Shiff, R. (1995, December). Children who were born prematurely and their parents: Empirical findings and intervention issues. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Developmental Psychology Division of the Israel Psychological Association, Jerusalem, Israel.
62. Blum, I., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, January). Serotonin, psychological aspects, and weight loss. Presented at the Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel.
63. Blum, I., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, March). Psychological patterns of stress and coping, neurotransmitters, and weight loss. Presented at the Third Convention of the Israel Association of Biological Psychiatry, Kfar Giladi, Israel.
64. Shulman, S., Levy-Shiff, R., & Alon, E. (1996, March). Intimate relations among adolescent romantic partners and same-sex friends: Individual and systemic perspectives. Presented at the Sixth Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Boston, USA.
65. Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, May). Empirical and psychotherapeutic issues in adoption. Presented at the Annual Symposium on Therapy, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel.
66. Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, June). Borderline states in children. Presented at the Symposium on High- Risk Children, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
67. Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, June). Adoptive parenting. Presented at the Symposium on Adoption, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
68. Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, November). Psychological aspects of IVF. Presented at the 4th Symposium on French-Israeli Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Pathological Disturbances in Early Childhood, Shefayim, Israel.
69. Levy-Shiff, R. (1996, November). Intervention in early childhood. Presented at the Psychoeducational Symposium on Field Intervention, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
70. Lerman, M., Levy-Shiff, R., & Hod, M. (1997, January). The development of infants born to diabetic mothers: Biological and environmental factors. Presented at the Annual Symposium of the Israeli Diabetic Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
71. Levy-Shiff, R. (1977, June). Short- and long-term effects of child sexual abuse. Presented at the International Symposium on Child Trauma: Recovered Memories Treatment or False Memory Syndrome? Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
72. Blum, I., Levy-Shiff, R. , Klein, O., Eilam, N., Harell, D., Nordenberg, Y., & Beigel, Y. (1997, September). The effects of cholesterol reduction on psychological and biochemical parameters of male hypercholesterolemic patients. Presented at the 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Cairns, Australia.
73. Levy-Shiff, R., Lerman, M., & Hod, M. (1997, September). Developmental outcome of children of diabetic mothers: Biological and environmental factors. Presented at the Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
74. Levy-Shiff, R. (1997, December). Biological and environmental risk factors related to self-destructive and aggressive behaviors in children: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Presented at the International Symposium on Early Attachment and Self-Destruction in Adulthood, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
75. Levy-Shiff, R. (1997, December). Biological and environmental risk factors related to self-destructive and aggressive behaviors in children: Empirical and clinical perspectives. Presented at the International Symposium on Early Attachment and Self-Destruction in Adulthood, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
76. Levy-Shiff, R. (1998, April). Winnicott revisited. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Developmental Psychology Division of the Israel Psychological Association, Arad, Israel.
77. Levy-Shiff, R. (1998, July). Long-term effects of high-risk pregnancy. Presented at the XVth Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Bern, Switzerland.
78. Levy-Shiff, R. (1998, July). Adjustment of adopted adults. Presented at the XVth Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Bern, Switzerland.
79. Levy-Shiff, R. (1998, December). IVF and late parenthood. Presented at a Symposium on Legal, Medical, Educational, Psychological, and Ethical Aspects of IVF, Jerusalem, Israel.
80. Greenbaum, C., & Levy-Shiff, R. (1999, July). Methodological issues of longitudinal studies in children at risk. Presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Greece.
81. Levy-Shiff, R. (2001, March). Father loss in males: Long-term effects on marital relations and fathering. Presented at the International Conference of the Peleg-Bilig Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
82. Levy-Shiff, R. (April, 2001). Dual-Career Families: Dynamics of family relations and child development. Presented at the International Conference on Families, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 01/07/2021