פרופ' מני קוסלובסקי
קורות חיים
MENI KOSLOWSKY, Professor (1997- ); Chairman, Psychology (2010-) Vice-Chairman, Department of Psychology, (1999-2001); Head, Section of Social/Industrial Psychology (1986-89) Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Phone: +972-3-5318594
Email: koslow@mail.biu.ac.il ; koslowme@yahoo.com
Fax: +972-3-7384105
1964-1968 BS Psychology: City College of New York
1968-1972 PhD Social/Applied Psychology: Columbia University
Areas of Interest
- Personnel Selection
- Organizational Withdrawal and Counterproductive Behavior
- Social Power and Influence
- Stress-strain relationship at work
- Methodology- Meta Analysis; SEM; HLM; Multivariate Techniques
Fellow, American Psychological Association
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Division 14 of APA
Committee or Board Member: Emunah-Efrata College; Herzog College/OU Israel/ad hoc reviewer for Council of Higher Education/Applied Psychology; Journal of Business and Psychology; International Journal of Manpower/Advisory Committee for Spiritual Advisory (critically ill patients) Certification
Koslowsky, M., Pindek, S., & Malkin, G. (accepted for publication). Improving personnel selection: Identifying the best choices. New York: Springer.
Sagie, A., Stashevsky, S., & Koslowsky, M. (Editors, 2003). Misbehavior and dysfunctional attitudes in organizations. London: Palgrave Publishers (MacMillan Global Academic Publishers)
Koslowsky, M. & Krausz, M. (Editors, 2002). Voluntary employee withdrawal and inattendance. New York: Plenum Publishing.
Sagie, A. & Koslowsky, M. (2000). Participation and empowerment: Modeling, effectiveness, and applications Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Koslowsky, M. (1998). Modeling the stress-strain relationship in work settings. London: Routledge Publishers.
Koslowsky, M., Kluger, A. N., & Reich, M. (1995). Commuting stress: Causes, effects, and methods of coping. New York: Plenum Publishing.
Koslowsky, M., Weisberg, J., Yaniv. E., and Zaitman-Speiser, I. (in press). Ease of movement and sector affiliation as moderators of the organizational and career commitment - turnover intentions link. International Journal of Manpower.
Marom, M., & Koslowsky, M. (in press). Nurses’ voluntary turnover during early hospital career as predicted by depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms International Journal of Psychological Studies.
Shamoa-Nir, L. & Koslowsky, M. (in press). The relationship between driver's characteristics and aggressive driving. Magamot,
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., & Bernstein, E. (in press). Power Tactic Usage by Gender at Work and Home: Past, Present, and Future. International Journal of Conflict Management
Jacobson, L., Koslowsky, M., & Lavidor, M. (2012). tDCS polarity effects in motor and cognitive domains: A meta- analytical review. Experimental Brain Research, 216, 1-10.
Lev, S. & Koslowsky, M. (2012). Teacher gender as a moderator of the job embeddedness-OCB relationship. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 81-99.
Lev, S. & Koslowsky, M.. (2012). On-the-job embeddedness as a mediator between conscientiousness and school teachers' contextual performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21,57-83.
Pindek, S. & Koslowsky, M. (2011). Impression management: Influencing perceptions of self. In D. Chadee, Theories in Social Psychology (280-296). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell
Goldenhersh, M. & Koslowsky, M. (2011). Increased melanoma after regular sunscreen use? (Response article). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 29, 557-558.
Koslowsky, M. Barhav, H., & Schwarzwald, J. (2011). Management style as a mediator of the social distance-influence tactics relationship. International Journal of Conflict Management, 22, 264-277.
Koslowsky, M. & Pindek, S. (2010). Impression management in D. Chadee (Ed.) Theories in Social Psychology (Ch. 12). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kozulin, A. Lebeer, J. Madella-Noja, A. Gonzalez, F., Jeffrey, I. Rosenthal, N. & Koslowsky, M. (2010), Cognitive modifiability of children with cognitive impairment of neurological origin: a multicentre study using Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment – Basic programme. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31, 551-559.
Weisberg, J., Pindek, S., & Koslowsky, M. (2010) HRM in Israel. Human Resources Management Review (Editors of special issue)
Pindek, S., Weisberg, J. & Koslowsky, M. (2010). HRM in Israel: A multi-faceted perspective. In J. Weisberg, S. Pindek, and M. Koslowsky (eds.) HRM in Israel. Human Resources Management Review (special issue), 20, 173-175.
Shamoa-Nir, L. & Koslowsky, M. (2010). Aggressive behavior of drivers: A new questionnaire defining the difference between hostile and instrumental behavior while driving. In Niklas Lange and Marie Wagner (Eds.) Community Psychology (Chapter 10). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Koslowsky, M. (2009). A multi-level model of withdrawal: Integrating and synthesizing theory and findings. Human Resources Management Review, 19, 283-303.
Lev, S. & Koslowsky, M. (2009). Moderating the collective and self-efficacy relationship. Journal of Educational Administration, 47, 452-462..
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M. (2008). Gender role ideology as a moderator of the relationship between social power tactics and marital satisfaction. Sex Roles : A Journal of Research, 59, 657-669.
Koslowsky, M., Schwarzwald, J., Keshet, S. (2008). Moderators of social power usage for In-group/Out-group targets: An experimental paradigm. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 3036-3052
Koslowsky, M. (2007). Organizational withdrawal: Lateness. In S. Rogleberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., & Brody-Shamir, S. (2006). Factors related to perceived power usage in schools. British Journal of Educational Psychology,76, 445-462.
Schwarzwald, J., & Koslowsky, M. (2006). The Interpersonal Power Interaction Model: Theoretical, empirical, and methodological reflections. In D. Chadee and J. Young (Eds.), Current Themes in Social Psychology. (pp. 123-145). St. Augustine, Trinidad: SOCS, The University of the West Indies.
Keshet, R., Kark, R., Pomerantz-Zorin, L., Koslowsky, M., & Schwarzwald, J. (2006). Gender, status, and the use of power strategies. European Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 105-117
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., & Allouf, M. (2005). Group membership, status, and social power preference. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 644-655.
Stashevsky, S. & Koslowsky, M. and (2005). "Leadership, team cohesiveness, and team performance" in S. Stashevsky and M. Koslowsky (Eds.) International Journal of Manpower: Special Issue on Individual, Group, and Corporate Antecedents of Organizational Outcomes, 27, 63-74.
Koslowsky, M. & Stashevsky, S. (2005). "Organizational values and social power" in S. Stashevsky and M. Koslowsky (Eds.) International Journal of Manpower: Special Issue on Individual, Group, and Corporate Antecedents of Organizational Outcomes, 27, 23-34.
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., & Ochana-Levin, T (2004). Usage of and Compliance with Power Tactics in Routine versus Nonroutine Work Settings. Journal of Business and Psychology, 18, 385-402.
Koslowsky, M. & Merom, M. (2004). Stress measures as predictors of intention to leave and turnover. In R. Griffeth & P. Hom (Eds.), Innovative theory and empirical research on employee turnover. (pp. 83-101). Grenwich, CT: Innovative Age Publishing.
Dishon-Berkovits, M. & Koslowsky, M. (2002). Determinants of employee punctuality. Journal of Social Psychology, 142, 723-739.
Stashevsky, S., Koslowsky, M. & Sagie, A. (December, 2002). Guest Editors: International Journal of Manpower. Also, Stashevsky, S., Koslowsky, M. & Sagie, A. (2002). New personnel perspectives on the work environment. International Journal of Manpower
Koslowsky, M., Sagie, A, & Stashevsky, S. (July, Vol. 2, 2002). Guest Editors: Attitudes and Behaviors in Organizations. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management; Also, Koslowsky, M., Sagie, A, & Stashevsky, S. (2002). Introduction: Cultural relativism and universalism in organizational behaviors. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 2, 131-135.
Koslowsky, M. (2001). New organizational perspectives on coping with work stress. In M. Erez, H. Thierry, & U. Kleinbeck (Eds.) Work Motivation in the Context of a Globalizing Economy (pp. 313-327). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Schwarzwald, J. & Koslowsky, M. (2001). Captain's leadership type and police officers' compliance to power bases. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10, 273-290. (2001 AWARD FOR BEST JOURNAL ARTICLE IN LEADERSHIP BY CENTER FOR CREATIVE LEADERSHIP).
Koslowsky, M. & Dishon-Berkovits, M. (2001). Self-report measures of employee lateness: Conceptual and methodological issues. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10, 145-159.
Koslowsky, M., Schwarzwald, J., Ashuri, S. (2001). On the relationship between subordinate's compliance to power sources and organizational attitudes. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50, 455-476.
Koslowsky, M. & Schwarzwald, J. (2001). Power Interaction Model: Theory, Methodology, and Practice. In A. Y. Lee-Chai & John Bargh (Eds.). The use and abuse of power: Multiple perspectives on the causes of corruption (pp. 195-214). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Koslowsky, M. (2000). A new perspective on employee lateness. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 49, 390-407.
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., & Mager-Bibi, T. (1999). Peer ratings versus peer nominations during training as predictors of actual performance. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35, 360-372. .
Schwarzwald, J. & Koslowsky, M. (1999). Gender, self-esteem, and focus of interest in the use of power strategies by adolescents in conflict situations. Journal of Social Issues, 55, 15-32.
Sagie, A. & Koslowsky, M. (1998). Extra- and intra-organizational values and behavior: A multiple level model. In D. M. Rousseau and C. L. Cooper (Eds.), Trends in Organizational Behavior. (Vol. 5), 155-174.
Koslowsky, M. (1998). Commuting and mental health. In H. S. Friedman (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Mental Health. (Vol. 1, pp. 521-530). New York: Academic Press.
Raven, B., Schwarzwald, J, & Koslowsky, M. (1998). Conceptualizing and measuring a power/interaction model of interpersonal influence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 307-332.
Krausz, M., Koslowsky, M., & Aizer, A. (1998). Distal and proximal influences on turnover intentions and satisfaction: Support for a withdrawal progression theory. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52, 59-71.
Koslowsky, M., Sagie, A., Krausz, M., Dolman (Singer), A. (1997). Correlates of employee lateness: Some theoretical considerations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 79-88.
Koslowsky, M., Sagie, A., & Goldenhersh, M. (1997). A prediction model of state anxiety in a medical setting. Work and Stress, 11, 87-93.
Koslowsky, M. (1997). Commuting stress: Problems of definition and variable identification. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 46, 153-173.
Bleich, A., Koslowsky, M., Dolev, A., & Lerer, B. (1997). Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression: An analysis of comorbidity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 170, 479-482.
Koslowsky, M., Solomon, Z., Bleich, A., & Laor, N. (1996). Effects of stressful stimuli: A comparison between two time periods. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 279-283.
Sagie, A., & Koslowsky, M. (1996). Decision type, organizational control, and acceptance of change: An integrative approach to participative decision making (PDM). Applied Psychology: An International Review, 45, 85-92.
Koslowsky, M., Aizer, A., Krausz, M. (1996). Stressor and personal variables in the commuting experience. Journal of Manpower, 17, 4-14.
Guest editor of special issue on work values for Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 1996 (Chichester, England: Wiley) Also, Sagie, A., Elizur, D, & Koslowsky, M. (1996). Work Values: Theoretical overview and a model of their effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 503-514.
Krausz, M. & Koslowsky, M. (1995). Impact of shiftwork and department type upon strain and attitudinal measures of hospital nurses. Work and Stress, 9, 88-94.
Krausz, M., & Koslowsky, M., Shalom, N., & Elyakim, N. (1995). Prediction of intention to leave the ward, the hospital, and the nursing profession: A longitudinal study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16, 277-288.
Sagie, A., Elizur, D., & Koslowsky, M. (1995). Decision type, participative decision making (PDM), and organizational behavior: An experimental simulation. Human Performance, 8, 81-94.
Koslowsky, M., & Sagie, A. (1994). Components of artifactual variance in meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 47, 561-574.
Bleich, A., Dolev, A., Koslowsky, M., Wozner, J., & Lever, B. (1994). Psychiatric morbidity after psychological trauma. Journal of the Israel Medical Association (Harefuah, In Hebrew), 126, 492-496.
Koslowsky, M., Scheinberg, Z., Bleich, A., Mark, M., Apter, A., Danon, Y., & Solomon, Z. (1994). Predicting actual weight from self-report data. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54, 168-174.
Koslowsky, M., Solomon, Z., Bleich, A., & Laor, N. (1994). Reactions to stress during the Persian Gulf War: The use of structural equations for testing the Horowitz Model. Assessment, 1(2), 143-149.
Scheinberg, Z., Koslowsky, M., Bleich, A., Mark, M., Apter, A., Danon, Y., Solomon, Z., & Babur, I. (1993). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value as measures of prediction accuracy: The case of the EAT-26. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 53, 831-839.
Koslowsky, M., & Krausz, M. (1993). On the relationship between commuting, stress symptoms, and attitudinal measures: A LISREL application. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 29, 485-492.
Sagie, A., & Koslowsky, M. (1993). Organizational attitudes and behaviors as a function of participation in strategic and tactical change decisions: An application of path-goal theory. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, 37-47.
Koslowsky, M. (1993). A comparison of different attitude-behavior models for predicting attrition in higher education. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 29, 359-365.
Koslowsky, M., & Sagie, A. (1993). On the efficacy of credibility intervals as indicators of moderator effects in meta-analytic research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14, 695-699.
Koslowsky, M., & Schwarzwald, J. (1993). The use of power tactics to gain compliance: Testing aspects of Raven'(1988) theory in conflictual situations. Social Behavior and Personality, 21, 135-144.
Sagie, A., &Koslowsky, M. (1993). Detecting moderators with meta-analysis: An evaluation and comparison of techniques. Personnel Psychology, 46, 629-640
Solomon, Z., L, ., Weiler, D., Muller, U., Hadar, O., Waysman, M., Koslowsky, M., Ben Yakov, M., & Bleich, A. (1993). The psychological impact of the Gulf War: A study of acute stress in Israeli evacuees. Archives of General Psychiatry (response piece), 50, 320-321.
Koslowsky, M., & Sagie A. (1992). Meta-Rand: A SAS macro program for randomly generated meta-analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, 915-917.
Scheinberg, Z., Apter, A., Bleich, A., Koslowsky, M., Mark, M., Babur, I., & Danon, Y. (1992). The prevalence of eating disorders among female recruits in the Israel Defense Force. Journal of the Israel Medical Association (Harefuah, In Hebrew), 123, 73-80.
Sagie, A., & Koslowsky, M. (1992). Meta_SAS: A method for detecting moderators after a meta-analysis. Psychometrika, 57, 316.
Bleich, A., Dycian, A., Koslowsky, M., Solomon, Z., & Wiener, M. (1992). Psychiatric implications of missile attacks on a civilian population: Israeli lessons from the Gulf War. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 268, 613-615.
--- Also appeared in Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, (Nov.-Dec., 1992), 245.
Schwarzwald, J., Koslowsky, M., & Shalit, B. (1992). A field study of employees' attitudes and behaviors after promotion decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 511-514.
Koslowsky, M., Babkoff, H., & Schwartz, D. (1992). Meta- analysis of the relationship between sleep deprivation and performance. Chronobiology, 9, 132-136.
Koslowsky, M., Bleich, A., Apter, A., Solomon, Z., Wagner, B., & Grinspoon, A. (1992). Structural equation modeling of some of the determinants of suicide risk. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 65, 157-165.
--Also appeared as condensed article in Psychiatry Digest, (1993), 5, 3-4.
Koslowsky, M., Scheinberg, Z., Bleich, A., & Solomon, Z. (1992). The factor structure and criterion validity of the short form of the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26). Journal of Personality Assessment, 58, 27-35.
Koslowsky, M., Bleich, A., Grinspoon, A., Wagner, B., Apter, A., & Solomon, Z. (1991). Assessing the validity of the Plutchik Suicide Risk Scale. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 25, 155-158.
Solomon, Z., Bleich, A., & Koslowsky, M. (1991). PTSD: Issues of comorbidity. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 25, 89-94.
Koslowsky, M., & Caspy, T. (1991). Stepdown analysis of variance: A refinement. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, 555-560.
Koslowsky, M., & Elizur, D. (1990). Work values and commitment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Work Values, Prague, Czechoslovakia (pp. 79-82).
Koslowsky, M., & Bar-Zeev, U. (1990). Attitude profiles of the anonymous responder. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 26, 359-364.
Sagie, A., Elizur, D., & Koslowsky, M. (1990). Effect of participation in strategic or tactical decision on acceptance of planned change. Journal of Social Psychology, 130(4), 459-465.
Koslowsky, M. (1990). Staff/line distinctions in job and organizational commitment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 4(63), 167-173.
Koslowsky, M., Caspy, T., & Lazar, M. (1990). An empirical comparison of commitment scales. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20(13), 1063-1075.
Koslowsky, M., Hoffman, M., & Lazar, A. (1990). Predicting behavior on a computer from intentions, attitudes, and experience. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews, 9(4), 75-83.
Koslowsky, M., Lazar, A., & Hoffman, M. (1989). Students' computer activity as a function of prior experience. Educational Technology, 9, 44-47.
Koslowsky, M., & Locke, G. (1989). Turnover and aggregate organizational performance. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 38(2), 121-129.
Koslowsky, M., Kluger, A., & Yinon, Y. (1988). Predicting behavior: Combining intention with investment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73(1), 102-106.
Koslowsky, M., & Maoz, O. (1988). Commitment and personality variables as discriminators among sports referees. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 262-269.
Koslowsky, M., Caspy, T., & Lazar, M. (1988). Are volunteers more committed than nonvolunteers? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 985-991.
Koslowsky, M., Lazar, A., & Hoffman, M. (1988). Validating an attitude toward computer scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48, 517-521.
Koslowsky, M. (1988). Using effect coding for comparing models in social research. Social Behavior and Personality, 16, 85-89.
Kluger, A., & Koslowsky, M. (1988). Commitment and academic success. Social Behavior and Personality, 16(2), 121-125.
Koslowsky, M. (1987). Antecedents and consequences of turnover: An integrated systems approach. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 113, 269-292.
Koslowsky, M. (1987). Career commitment as a predictor of behavioral outcomes. Journal of Social Psychology, 127(5), 435-444.
Koslowsky, M., & Locke, G. (1986). Decision rules for increasing the rate of successfully classified respondents. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 22, 187-193.
Koslowsky, M., & Kluger, A. (1986). Commitment to participation in musical activities: An extension and application of the investment model. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16(9), 831-844.
Koslowsky, M. (1985). Generalizing classification tables to large populations. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 45, 265-269.
Koslowsky, M. (1979). Univariate and multivariate analysis of categorical variables. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 39, 747-752.
Koslowsky, M., Croog, S., & Lavoie, I. (1978). Perception of the etiology of illness: Causal attributions in a heart patient population. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47, 475-485.
Deren, S., & Koslowsky, M. (1977). Personality sex differences of institutionalized drug addicts and treatment implications. International Journal of the Addictions, 12, 541-551.
Koslowsky, M., Pratt, G., & Wintrob, R. (1976). An application of Guttman scale analysis to physicians' attitudes regarding abortion. Journal of Applied Psychology, 61, 301-304.
Koslowsky, M., Deren, S., & Sofer, S. (1976). Clinical decision making: Using selection ratios to predict intelligence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 771-774.
Croog, S., Koslowsky, M., & Levine, S. (1976). Personality self-perceptions of male heart patients and their wives: Issues of congruence and coronary personality. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 43, 927-937.
Koslowsky, M., & Bailit, H. (1975). A measure of reliability using qualitative data. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 35, 843-846.
Koslowsky, M., & Levett, C. (1975). Intellectual functioning in a sample of. institutionalized narcotic addicts. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 31, 578-582.
Koslowsky, M., & Deren, S. (1975). A comparison of three procedures for classifying addicts. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 43, 433.
Koslowsky, M., & Stanakitas, J. (1975). On the perception of environmental variables in pediatric offices. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 40, 771-774.
Church, M., Koslowsky, M., & Bailit, H. (1974). A program for determining profile similarity for purposes of classification. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34, 155-158.
Koslowsky, M., Bailit, H., & Valluzzo, P. (1974). Satisfaction of the patient and the provider: Evaluation by questionnaire. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 34, 188-194.
Bailit, H., Koslowsky, M. et al. (1974). Quality of dental care: Development of care: Development of standards. Journal of the American Dental Association, 89, 842-853.
Koslowsky, M. (1973). Stereotypes of four ethnic groups. Journal of Psychology, 85, 287-295.
Papers presented at more than 60 international conferences
Other Professional Activities (2005-
1. President: International Society for The Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV, 2004-2006)
Executive Committee of ISSWOV (2006-
2. Editorial Boards: Applied Psychology: An International Review (2006-;); Journal of Business and Psychology (2009- )
Group and Organization Methods (2003-2006); International Journal of Manpower (2002- ); Journal of Applied Social Psychology (2009- )
3. Psychometric Advisor, WAIS- 3, Hebrew Version (2000-
4. Vice President, Member of Board of Directors, OU/NCSY in Israel (2000-
5. Head, Academic Advisory Council, Efrata/Emunah College (2006-
6. Member, Academic Advisory Council, Herzog College (2006-
7. Ministry of Education, Council for Higher Education, Committee for Accreditation for new Business School/Psychology program (2006-
8. Member, Ministry of Health, Social/Industrial Professional Licensing Council (2007-
9. Ministry of Education, (through Taldor, Marmonet, Petach Tikvah), Evaluation of Doctorates from non-Israeli Universities (2007-2008)
1. 1994-1996: (with Prof. J. Schwarzwald) Israel Foundations Trustees (Ford, Grant No. 01-94)
Title: Exogenous and Mediating Variables in the Choice Process of Power Tactics in Conflict Situations
2. 2001-2002: (with Prof. J. Schwarzwald) Israel Foundations Trustees (Ford, Grant No. 10-00)
Title: Interpersonal versus Intergroup Context In the Preference of Power Strategies
תחומי מחקר
מנחה מ.א. ודוקטורט
Withdr awal (turnover, lateness, absences)
Tests and measurements
Social power
MetaAnalysis and Lisrel applications
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 26/09/2016